Thursday, October 29, 2009


The Recession's Over and Q3 GDP is +3%, Break Out the H-1B Champaign

Per article from 9/2009 Whitehouse Q3 2009 report in part:

"...There is broad agreement that the ARRA has added between 2 and 3 percentage points to baseline real GDP growth in the second quarter of 2009 and around 3 percentage points in the third quarter...."

The rest of the URL:

Meaning, without the almost $1 trillion dollar stimulus IOU to our grandkids, made earlier this year, our "H-1B champaign Q3 GDP" goes back to about zero [or worse, IMO].

Ask the approx 50,000,000 severely underemployed and unemployed Americans today if "the recession's over" and more uncontrolled population won't hurt us at all now.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


The 2009 GDP Decrease is a Horrifying 3+%

But the recent Whitehouse economic data looks rosy for Q3, at a +2.2 [albeit Q1 was decreasing at 6+%]?

The problem with massive shifts down in the GDP and minor shifts up in the GDP is perception. Assuming the massive downward shifts earlier this year were as most economists called, "inventory" burning with no new sales; then the minor "inventory" recovery doesn't mean a return to the real estate bubble and using our homes as ATMs to over-consume, as before. The American Consumer is dead and inventory blips upward are almost completely meaningless compared with the approx 70% driver of our economy unrestored, the American Consumer.

See my proof in the article in part:

"....As Kevin hall at McClatchy newspapers argues, the consumer economy is dead, all starting in September 2008 when the US government seized Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy.

Hall writes: "One year later, the easy-money system that financed the boom era from the 1980s until a year ago is smashed. Once-ravenous U.S. consumers are saving money and paying down debt. Banks are building reserves and hoarding cash. And governments are fashioning a new global financial order."

That means recovery will be anemic, economic growth will be around 2% and it would be five years until the economy generates enough jobs to make up for those that have been destroyed.

It will be some time before the US economy becomes competitive again...."

The rest of the URL:

This is what overpopulation in America did to us.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Recession Over Per Paul Krugman?

Let's look at the 9/30/09 Q3 BEA Data in part:

"Advance Estimate Second Estimate Third Estimate
(Percent change from preceding quarter)

Real GDP................................. -1.0 -1.0 -0.7"

The rest of the BEA URL:

Gee, if the recession is over, how come the GDP is still negatively contracting, especially after the horrifying Q1 contractions [we'd need some real big positive 2009 GDP growth, not Q2/Q3 contractions, to make up for the lost Q1 ground, IMO]?

It seems a lot you economists have a variety of 2009 "recession's over" negative GDP rationales that contradict the one's you had before...LOL

The recession is obviously alive and kicking IMO. The recession over fairy tale is clear mathematical fiction.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Its Horrifying

This comes from the UK Register, dtd Mar 2008, article in part:

"...China also harvests spin-offs from foreign direct investment and joint ventures in the civilian sector, technical knowledge and expertise of students returned from abroad, and state sponsored industrial espionage to increase the level of technologies available to support military research, development, and acquisition.

Beijing’s long-term goal is to create a wholly indigenous defense industrial sector able to meet the needs of PLA modernization as well as to compete as a top-tier producer in the global arms trade. China is already competitive in some areas, such as communications, with leading international defense firms...."

The rest of the URL:

Add this brain drain from America to China's military buildup and you get horrifying laser capabilities threatening America, article in part:

"...Nevertheless, citing unnamed "top officials," the trade journal asserts that "China not only has the [anti-satellite] capability, but has exercised it. It is not clear when China first used lasers to attack American satellites. Sources would only say that there have been several tests over the past several years."..."

The rest of the URL:

Friday, October 2, 2009


We're letting in 160K legal immigrants in each month with 15 million [its probably more like 30 million IMO] unemployed backlog....and job losses ???? each month [my guess is 300K-900K, the 247K figure is WAY too rosy] per the following "incomplete BLS analysis" available to date:

This is for Aug 2009 [the 213K BLS wild guess month], not Sep 2009's 247K per month wild guess, article in part:

"...Table C. States with statistically significant employment changes from July 2009 to
August 2009, seasonally adjusted
July August Over-the-month
2009 2009 p change p
Alabama........................................... 1,909,800 1,895,800 -14,000
Georgia............................................ 3,888,400 3,853,400 -35,000
Hawaii.............................................. 601,000 594,500 -6,500
Illinois............................................... 5,667,600 5,648,400 -19,200
Kansas............................................. 1,342,200 1,335,900 -6,300
Maryland.......................................... 2,548,500 2,536,500 -12,000
Michigan........................................... 3,864,000 3,821,100 -42,900
Minnesota........................................ 2,654,400 2,644,100 -10,300
Mississippi........................................ 1,118,400 1,108,800 -9,600
Montana........................................... 438,700 443,800 5,100
North Dakota.................................... 371,500 368,700 -2,800
Ohio................................................. 5,127,400 5,097,300 -30,100
Oregon............................................. 1,631,500 1,624,900 -6,600
Tennessee....................................... 2,664,200 2,649,100 -15,100
Texas............................................... 10,406,500 10,344,300 -62,200
Washington...................................... 2,864,200 2,851,800 -12,400
p = preliminary...."

The rest of the URL:

BTW, the total job losses for Aug 2009 per the Table C above is 290.1K, yet excludes 26 job loss states....LOL

Indiana is one of the excluded states from Table C and was shedding jobs at 14,800/mo from Aug 2008-Aug 2009 [see Table D in BLS report URL above].

Until I see 50 state visibility in the BLS data, I see the 216K for Aug 2009 a completely wild guess, let alone the 247K they came up for Sep 2009 [not yet analysed since the latest Sep18 2009 report] as anything credible either.

Are they lying about America's monthly job losses [as horrifying as their lies are] to justify high legal immigration rates? I think they are. You can't prove me wrong....LOL