Thursday, December 10, 2020

Microsoft Says World First To Get America's Vaccine

Wonderful...MSFT wants the Killer Flu vaccine American tax payers funded $14B for to go to the world before Americans...his charities never support legal American voters anymore. Now, grab your mug of coffee with me and read the brief: "...The Gates Foundation is significantly boosting its fight to get vaccines to the world’s poorest people after wealthy nations locked up much of the initial supply..." SWE's Take: Gates doesn't care about Americans anymore? "...Housing in a big hurry: A local company has a "cozy and warm" answer to homelessness. Pallet Shelters' pre-fab tiny house comes together in 30 minutes or less, and it's popping up in Portland and other cities — but not Seattle. Take a look..." SWE's take: What a joke, now who's gonna pay for the tiny homelessness shack land, utilities and taxes? The Tooth Fairy? Good News: The frozen food is a rip off at the grocery stores; small portions, too much salt and high priced to boot. Denny's Take Out is cheaper...LOL

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