Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Airlines are Dead So They Act Like They're Full

have some extinct airline coffee and read the brief. ".... How to navigate the busiest travel weekend since pandemic started Hundreds of thousands of Washingtonians are expected to travel this Memorial Day weekend. Where are they all going? Several destinations in particular are seeing a surge in popularity. Here's what to expect in the airports and on the roads, how to time your highway travel just right, and where to check live traffic. If you're getting on a ferry for the first time in a while, be ready for some changes and pandemic rules. (Photo: Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: Compare the passenger load to 2019.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

A Year After Floyd Riots and Police Retire in GROVES

".... A year after police killed George Floyd, what's changed in Seattle area — and what hasn't Last summer’s protests in Seattle brought many vows of change. Some shifts have taken place, but community leaders are still waiting for the promised support to make many other changes happen. Here’s where our region stands on cutting police budgets, investing in community solutions like the one you see above, reimagining public safety, and redefining racism as a public health crisis. (Photo: Amanda Snyder / The Seattle Times) ..." SWE's Take: The INDEED hiring site shows Seattle Police make $25/hr. Who'd want the job? Good News: Contract Police are hired at 3 times the pay to replace the retired ones.

Monday, May 24, 2021

The American Children are Forgotten Turds Under Biden

Drink your coffee without cream vaccinated and read the brief: "... Parents face new dilemmas as mask guidance eases Kelly Hall watches as daughter Julianna, left, plays with friend Bryn Reeves in Olympia. Julianna goes without a mask in some outdoor situations, but others are a harder call, Kelly says, fearing "a mini outbreak with a bunch of sick little kids." The CDC's loosening guidance on masks has many parents wondering what they should do around their unvaccinated kids. Here's how Western Washington parents are navigating this and why, for some, "the new guidance closes our world." Meanwhile, scientists offer a breakdown of which activities kids without vaccines can safely do. (Photo: Greg Gilbert / The Seattle Times).." SWE's Take: Let's turn the American kids into mentally disabled zombies.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Biden's Police Force is Embarassed and Destroyed Psychologically

Drink some Biden Coffee and read about the HIGH Death counts in crime cities, read the brief: "...The county inquest process, long criticized as flawed, has been tied up in legal challenges. "I want the inquest to go forward so I can finally know what happened, how my son's life ended," says the mother of Damarius Butts, killed by police in 2017. Read more...." SWE's Take: The police that were killed on duty number failure to control crime. Good News: We can move out out of the Seattle homeless Chop Zone for relief.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

The ChiCom Bent Dems Like Masks Forever Like the Asians' Culrture, not Americans' Culture

Wear a Mask and drink coffee from a the brief: "... Hang up your mask, or keep it on? Let's cut through the confusion Plenty of swirl followed the CDC's new guidance allowing vaccinated people to remove their masks in many settings. Gov. Jay Inslee said Washington state would go with the federal recommendations, but now King County has its own, more restrictive guidance. Our FAQ breaks down who can and can't go maskless. And some vaccinated Americans will keep their masks on, maybe forever. They're starting to become targets for public ire, but the benefits — some of them surprising — are outweighing the reasons to unmask..." SWE's take: This guidance is clear as MUD.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Biden and School Unions Delayed Vaccines for School Kids Forever

Drink that Cold/Stale Public School Vaccine Coffee and Read the Brief: "... Hope arrives as kids get vaccines at school, looking forward to life ‘like it was before’ Seattle Fire Department Lt. Penny Stone hugs her son, Calder Stone, 12, after giving him a COVID-19 vaccine yesterday at Pathfinder K-8 in West Seattle. It's one of 43 schools that have hosted vaccination clinics so far. The kids coming in have been excited, and it shows in the numbers: Washington’s vaccination rate for ages 12 to 15 is more than double the national average. Here's our guide to getting a vaccine, and you can see how Washington state is doing on overall vaccinations and COVID-19 cases in the charts with today's live updates. (Photo: Greg Gilbert / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: Why were the kids last?

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Our U of W won't have to Worry About Chinese Stealing our Research Now

The State's University Just Loves No SAT Testing and Easier Grades Wityh DIVERSITY "... Washington's public universities face a future with no SAT or ACT Starting this fall, the University of Washington (above) and the state's other four-year colleges will no longer require applicants to take those standardized tests, signaling a profound shift in how universities think about who to admit. Will it make the universities more equitable? For some students, the change will be "huge." But it's not a silver bullet, cautions an official at one university that's already gone test-optional. (Ken Lambert / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's take: Math and Science education being replaced with brainless DIVERSITY. Good News: They don't hide it now.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

If It Wasn't for COVID 19 Biden Wouls of Lost MASS Votes

The endless COVID 19 coffee pot never empties, have a muug and read the brief: "...Vaccinated or not, keep your mask on inside public spaces, King County’s top health official is urging as the agency looks at whether it's unwise to apply the CDC's eased guidance here. You can see how Washington is faring on COVID-19 cases and vaccinations in the charts with today's live updates...." SWE's Take: Why? Because our IQ is under 80?

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

ChiCom Socialists Use Mask Mandate to Attack Personal Freedoms

Show Your Proof of Vaccination and Only Then Are You Allowed to Enjoy America's Freedoms? "... Vaccinated? You can unmask at Mariners games Starting immediately, fans who show proof of vaccination will get a wristband that allows them to go mask-free at T-Mobile Park. And this week, vaccinated fans will get other special perks, too. Above, season-ticket holder Luc Boone shows his wristband as the Mariners take on the Tigers yesterday. Alas, the M's got mauled by a team with one of the worst records in baseball. (Photo: Ken Lambert / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: Personal medical records like vaccines are not personal private information suddenly not protected by our constitution. Good News: Americans don't like getting pushed around by Communist Bullies.

Monday, May 17, 2021

The ChiCom Asians Love to Wear Flu Masks All the time, Especially When They Don't Have the flu

Drink your Asian Culture Flu mask coffee expand your diversity and read the brief: "...The first "significant" arrest has been made in Washington state's massive unemployment fraud. A Nigerian man was arrested as he attempted to flee the U.S. on Saturday, authorities say. He's been charged with using the identities of more than 100 Washingtonians to steal unemployment benefits..." SWE's take: ChiCom Socialism under Biden encourages cheaters not working purposely.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Mask Up Says Biden

Drink your coffee and remove your mask, then put it back on read the brief; Good News: We're all getting sick of wearing masks after being vaccinated.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Vaccinated Biden Sheeple Must Get Vaccinated or Lose Employment

Drink your Unknown Coffee and read the brief: "... Your guide to this week's sweeping COVID rule changes in Washington If you're dizzy after the flurry of changes on masks, vaccines and more, you're not alone. Washington state has eased mask requirements for vaccinated people, following the CDC's lead, and is now on course to end its broad COVID-19 restrictions by June 30. Here's how this leap toward unmasked normalcy will work in our state, and a glance at what Washingtonians can and can't do starting Tuesday, when all counties will be in the third phase of reopening. The state also began vaccinating youth ages 12 to 15. This FAQ offers help for families navigating that (and here's our vaccination guide for everyone else)..." SWE's Take: When Biden's government says we go mask free, there's always strings attached.

Friday, May 14, 2021

The Answer to School Children Vaccinted; No Vaccine, No School Allows You. They PUSH Us Around Like Pesky Peasants

Drink Your Coffee Mandatorially or Be asked to Leave This Website; the New Rules, Now Read the Brief: "... What families need to know now that younger teens can get vaccines The possibilities are tantalizing for many: a summer playing with friends, sports with less worry and in-person school come fall. The newly vaccine-eligible young cohort brings a different set of needs and challenges. Our FAQ breaks down what you should know about consent and where to get a 12- to 15-year-old vaccinated. (Photo: Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: Sounds Like the ChiComs defeated America already. Good News: Biden scared to do anything now. That helps.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Ferries have worker shortages too....its All HORRIFYING

Enjoy your 1/2 mug of coffee at worker shortage prices and read the brief: "... Engine fire on state ferry will make travel season tougher If you're crossing Puget Sound, expect delays this spring and summer. New, lower-capacity schedules take effect tonight as the ferry Wenatchee's fiery trouble adds to crew shortages and quarantines. The ferry system is substituting smaller boats for the Wenatchee, and our graphic shows the extensive ripple effects across the fleet. Above, vehicles board the smaller Walla Walla ferry in Seattle yesterday, bound for Bainbridge Island. (Photo: Ken Lambert / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: Quit work and live off Biden Socialism. Good News: Maybe there'll be more room on the ferries if more of us refuse to work.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Election FRAUD is Real Unless It Attacks the Trump's GOP, Then its Phony

Enjoy Your ELECTION FRAUD coffee; it tastes like POISON and can kill America's ONly HOPE; TRUMP "....Allowing a private company with dubious motivations to rifle through ballots from the November election is courting a disaster for American democracy. The Arizona state Senate's dubious, politicizing "audit" must not become acceptable policy anywhere, The Seattle Times editorial board writes..." SWE's Take: Pick and choose your opinion based on attacks of Trump. Don't have a brain.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

We Need Socilism to raise wages higer and inflation too

Grab that $10/mug coffee and read the brief: Good News: The stimulus debit card charges high fees and no one takes it.

Monday, May 10, 2021

There's a GLUT of job coffee out there, grab a mug and guzzle and read the brief: "...Seattle's school buses are leaving many kids behind. Transportation is being offered to a fraction of the students who qualify for it, leaving many with no access to in-person instruction. Families have scrambled to arrange rides and carpool, but not everyone is able to do that. For one mom, hearing about the return to school is "a dagger in the heart, because I can’t make that work."..." SWE's take: Nobody wants to work in COVID-19 as a school bus driver without hazard duty pay increases to wear a mask at work all day.. Good News: Grab up a job now and gain experience over the late new hires.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Biden was HORRIFIED: They wore No Masks and We're Hugging each Other

Drink That Cofffee Without Masks and read the brief: ".As the uptick in coronavirus vaccines makes it possible to socialize safely, these stories show what reopening our social worlds looks like — from a grandchild’s first visit from her grandparents to an unconventional 100th birthday party and a senior dance class. Read more......" SWE's Take: Open the schools and then we've made progress. Good News: The students and parents hate the teachers union too.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Shutdowns Continue on Pause Forever

Drink your paused coffee...the cup is empty: read the brief: "....Washington state has hit the pause button on its COVID-19 reopening. No county will move back or forward for at least two weeks because of an "evolving situation" in which case trends might be improving ... maybe, possibly, fingers crossed. Read more..." SWE's take: The teachers' union doesn't want shools open unti 2025.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Old fashionn Churches Getting Converted to Devilsih Casinos and Spas

The coffee was replaced with whiskey, read the brief: "... Old seminary, neglected for decades, reopens as $57 million hotel Back into the 1930s, young men came here to prepare for the priesthood. Now, hotel guests at The Lodge at Saint Edward State Park near Kenmore will find luxury suites, a restaurant, two bars and event space. The Lodge, opening this weekend, is one of the most expensive hotels built in Washington state, according to its developer. Take a look inside. (Photo: Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times)..." SWWE's Take: We've become atheists. Good News: Forgiveness is free.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

The Airports Are closed for Summer

"...Aviation is struggling, so why is Paine Field cruising along? Paine Field's new commercial passenger terminal is losing "a massive amount of money," and officials are seeing the effects of Boeing's severe cuts, but the airport itself has stayed in the black. Its director is explaining why he thinks Paine Field's successes will be flying higher than ever within a few years. The public will get a chance to weigh in on how that happens. (Photo: Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: Close SEATAC down, just use Paine Field. "... A health-care executive in Southwest Washington vowed to follow COVID-19 rules. Then he led a 153-person Grand Canyon hike, rangers say. The former Eagle Scout is in big trouble. Washington is seeing "hopeful numbers" on COVID-19 cases, but that doesn't mean the fourth wave has receded, state officials say. They've set up a hotline to help residents find vaccine appointments, and you may be able to get a free Uber or Lyft ride there. See the case trends charted in today's live updates. The U.S. made a dramatic shift on vaccines yesterday as the Biden administration threw its support behind easing intellectual property rules to speed the end of the pandemic. But other rich nations would have to agree, and Big Pharma is howling...." SWE's take: The Democrats Love shutdowns forever when Fauci represented careful what you wished for. Good News: The school unions block public schools and we are beginnibng to hate them.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The ChiComs Demand Vacinated Proof to Be seated Normally

Stretch Hard snd barely retieve your coffee, read the brief: ".... 'Vaccine seating' has arrived, and so has an outcry Gov. Jay Inslee's plan to allow more people into churches, stadiums and other big venues that offer "vaccinated sections" is raising complaints of discrimination and comparisons to Gestapo Germany. But a clever twist means this plan doesn't stifle freedom — it expands it, columnist Danny Westneat writes. The Tacoma Rainiers will offer those special sections when they open their season tomorrow with great excitement, and the Mariners apparently aren't far behind with their own seating policy. (Photo: Ken Lambert / The Seattle Times)..." SWEis Take: Over reach by governmnet. Good News: Stimulus checks in the mail...

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

We're Afraid To Go Back to Work, The WOKE Democrats Scared Us to Death About Flu Exagerations

Drink that Starbucks coffee, its a WOKE Democrat brand type and read the brief: "... Metro Transit plans for a rebound — but not everyone is on board with that Only a handful of people ride a bus in Seattle's Chinatown International District in late April. Metro recently boosted the number of riders allowed on buses as vaccinations increase and companies talk of bringing workers back to the office. Some pre-pandemic transit users, though, say they're not in a hurry to climb up the bus steps again: "I’m just not ready to take a risk like that." (Photo: Erika Schultz / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: The old labor market has been replaced with "do nothing" Communism curtesy of the WOKE Socialists. They'll still want stimulus checks. "...At stake as Bill and Melinda Gates divorce: an estimated $146 billion fortune and the future of the Gates Foundation. The end of their 27-year marriage, announced in a tweet as they filed for divorce yesterday, could ripple through tech, real estate, global health, climate change policy and social issues. Washington law may offer some clues about how they divide their assets...." SWE's take: Instead of dividing the money half, how about build some Bill and Melinda Homeless Villages. Nawwww...the Gates only support foreign charities, like Africa. They hades with Sweattle. "...UW students need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by fall, even if they're taking classes entirely online, the university said yesterday. Here's how this will work..." SWE's take: Illegal Alien and foreigners will not need the shots; just legal citizen students. "...President Joe Biden quadrupled the U.S. cap on refugee admissions yesterday. His move to allow as many as 62,500 refugees to enter the United States during the next six months is a reversal, coming about two weeks after Biden announced that he was leaving former President Donald Trump’s limit of 15,000 refugees in place...." SWE's Take: OVERPOPULATION and Greenhouse gas increases go hand and hand Biden. You're CRAZY. Good News: We all know Biden will cost us all taxes and inflations this year and 2022 will be FAR Republican 2022.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Pay Your taxes and give Outreach to India Selfish Folk From Seattle

The foreigners are a godsend stealing critical health supplies? "...Social media has become a "godsend" as cries for help spread in India, and everyone from doctors to tuk-tuk drivers responds. Aid from outside is flowing into India, too, including desperately needed oxygen from the U.S..." Good News: WE can blame Biden.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

No One Wants Chinese Solar cells Killing American Jobs for Energy Independence

Drink the last gulp of cheap gas coffee, its being Green New Deal raised to $10/cup and read the brief: "...Nearly 30 large solar projects have been proposed in Washington as the state seeks to lower carbon emissions. The new projects have neighbors pitted against each other as some lease their land for solar panels — and earn thousands in payments. Read more..." SWE's take: The lithium bateries and solar cells are all mostly made in China. "....James Beard Book Award winner and certified Kansas City Barbeque Society judge Adrian Miller ate at more than 200 Black-owned barbecue spots all over the U.S. to pick a list of his 20 favorites. This special South End barbecue joint is among them. Read more..." SWE's take: Last I saw were rib dinners for takeout about $20/bag. Its way over priced, check out Applebees ribs and small portions for ridiculous prices. "...The early rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines tilted toward women. First to become eligible were health workers, those living in nursing homes and people ages 65 and up. Those populations are overrepresented by women. But other factors are at play. Read more..." SWE's Take: More women voted Biden than men too. They are more attracted to free incomes and liberal Socialism IMO, they work less too. "...Since violence and tragedy shook Seattle's Lake City neighborhood two years ago, residents have come together to plant seeds of hope, peace and serenity by creating a memorial park. Read more..." SWE's take: More police stop violence not useless good intentions. Good News: The rich elite hire security workers [unemployed cops?] to protect them with for mostly the men.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

COVID 19 Costs More Than the Endless War in Afghanistan

Expect the Flu Shutdowns to end in 2025, now drink your coffee and read the brief: "...King County will likely be sent back to the second phase of coronavirus reopening on Monday, forcing changes to what residents can and can't do as case numbers and hospitalizations surge. Read more..." SWE's Take: Trump spoke on the telephone yesterday to Cable News...says we got to open up America without endless shutdowns now. Biden alleges both will happen at the same he crazy? Wear masks after everyone gets the vaccine Biden says.

Friday, April 30, 2021

The COVID Shut Downs Continue forever; no matter whatthey tell us

Enjoy an empty open economy promise cup of coffee and read the brief: "...The new federal guidance on masks comes as COVID-19 infections rise in Washington, which might lead you to wonder whether it's wise to ease up. Our state’s health officials break this down in today's FAQ Friday. (You can see the case trend in our live updates.) In this weird half-masked phase "between the darkness and the light," awkward moments abound. One key to preventing the virus' spread: the air students breathe. Are Washington schools doing enough with classroom ventilation?.." SWE's take: The science behind COVID 19 planning is FOG. Good News: We're moving out of the WOKE States.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

The Killer Flu is Back in Seattle and Getting Worse, More SHUTDOWNS ahead?

Time for a 2nd dose of vaccine coffee and read the brief: "...Mass vaccination clinic at Lumen Field Event Center 'The ground has shifted in Seattle.' COVID-19 vaccines and appointments are plentiful. A sparse crowd lines up for the COVID-19 vaccine at Lumen Field Event Center in Seattle yesterday. With all Washington adults eligible and 40% of residents having received at least a first dose, vaccine appointments are seemingly abundant. Looking for a shot for yourself or a loved one? Here’s our updated guide. (Photo: Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's take: The vaccines are useless; cases suddenly surging in Seattle. Good News: Biden can take credit for the Killer Flu comeback destroying jobs in Seattle area.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Seattle Folks Flee City Wearing a Flu Mask Outside Anyway

Drink your high tax OVERPOPULATION coffee and read the brief: "... South King County sees influx of former Seattleites Jeff Hickey’s three-decade stint in Seattle came to an end when the rent on his Queen Anne home rose by $300 a month. He's among Seattleites flooding into some South King County cities, craving more room, better affordability and access to green space. Signs suggest the trend accelerated during the pandemic, and businesses are increasingly following suit. See which cities have become the hottest spots. (Photo: Alan Berner / The Seattle Times).." SWE's Take: There's help wanted signd all over South King County...if they are moving there , they aren't working. its hopeless. "....Boeing burned through $41 million a day, on average, in the first quarter. But the company has taken "important strides" toward adapting to new realities, CEO Dave Calhoun said today, offering a dose of optimism as Boeing announced its earnings...." SWE's Take: Boeing needs free government stimulus money or its doomed. "...Salmon have shrunk so much that Whole Foods redid its guidelines. The salmon aren't meeting the culinary demands at Ivar's, either, and concern is mounting about whether "keystone" wild Pacific salmon fisheries will collapse...." SWE's take: Sell the tiny salmon in sardine cans. A small salmon dinner and fries at Ivars will cost ya $16 for a little box of it. "...King County will likely be sent back to the second phase of reopening on Monday, forcing changes to what residents can and can't do as case numbers and hospitalizations surge. You can see those trends in the charts with today's live updates. Fully vaccinated people should feel free to go maskless outdoors except in crowded settings, and even unvaccinated people can enjoy some new freedoms, the CDC said yesterday as it issued guidance for a slew of scenarios. But much of the country had already moved on. SWE's Take: Do we go without masks outside or not...this article is fog. Good News: Almost everyone is ignoring wearing a flu mask outdoors anyway.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

No Flu Vaccine, No Job, It Will Be Just Like Positive Urine Testing for Pot, Hopeless Dictatorship Government

Enjoy That Mandatory Flu Vaccine Coffee and Read the Brief: "... Amazon's newest delivery item: vaccines Aizza Sayler waits with her pup, Spirit, after Amazon began giving COVID-19 vaccines to its workers at the company's fulfillment center in Kent yesterday. Workers have traveled a long and frightening road to this point as the virus spread through Amazon warehouses, and notifications that their colleagues have tested positive still keep arriving in their email inboxes. (Photo: Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's take: Ya still are contacious after the vaccine...the flu will never end. Its hopeless Biden government with high job vacancy. "...Washington lawmakers are opening the state's wallet for freeway expansions, a new hybrid ferry and more, although a mammoth 16-year transportation plan didn't make it out of the Legislature. These are the top projects ahead..." SWE's take: Seattle area is open borders and taxed to death. "... Younger Washingtonians are getting sicker from COVID-19. Hospital leaders say that's probably because of spreading variants and "COVID fatigue." See hospitalizations charted in today's live updates..." SWE's take: How many cases are we talking about here? Too few to matter? "...Dozens of volunteer divers found 65 pounds of trash off South King County's Redondo Pier over the weekend, hauling up everything from a dishwasher door to — oops! — a teeny tiny octopus that went back in. Check out the photos. (Amanda Snyder / The Seattle Times).." SWE's take: OVERPOPULATION has destroyed Puget Sound, the New Green Deal ignores this problem and will never work as a result. Good News: OVERPOPULATION is like God, you can try to ignore it as unimportant and make "devilish" recycling a hypocritical cure to accomplish nothing. This is clear as a bell now.

Monday, April 26, 2021

The Woke Folks Hate Legal Americans

Drink Your Sour Coffee from Africa; its the WOKE Blend, that's why it tastes terrrible; read the brief: ".... The oddest Oscars: What worked, what didn't and who made history Last night's Academy Awards seemed less about who-won-what than about coming together for a careful yet joyous party. And, by clearing out so much of the usual pomp, there was room for something else: a quirky celebration of the nominees and winners, including director/producer Chloé Zhao, above. Here are critic Moira Macdonald's five favorite looks and a red carpet photo gallery, along with the full list of winners. Oh, and let's not forget that weird ending. (Photo: Chris Pizzello / AP).." SWE's Take: The PATHETIC junk movies and "subpar" acting skills/experience international Hollywood actors puts out now started me reading books more [by older experienced authors too]. "...A new capital-gains tax passed Washington's Legislature last night, along with a clean-fuels standard and a budget that boosts funding for child care, public health programs and more. The session also left Washington with one of the nation's most extensive climate-change reduction policies, along with a historic change for agriculture workers and growers..." SWE's take: Your Seattle area real estate and stock capital gains are great? Minus taxes. LOL...the Biden clown with the 50% Capital Gain [DEATH TAX TOO?] tax increase squirt bottle just hit you in the face with HORRIFYING spray. Good News: The renters are laughing now.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Fish are all Dying in Puget Sound Because of OVERPOPULATION

Drink the last cup of coffee salmon and whale and red the brief: "... Puget Sound is alive with springtime and the rebound of species thriving in greater numbers than in a generation. Gray whales, humpbacks, harbor porpoise and more are resurging thanks to conservation. The world faces an uncertain future, but humans can change. Read more..." SWE's Take: PURE FAKE NEWS. Conservation with OVERPOPULATION has been relatively useless in stoppping fish species fron getting extinct in puget Sound the last 3 decades too. "...Join the pandemic sleep problems club: It’s doubled to 40%. And nightmares? More of them, too. You’re not the only one waking up from dreams in which nobody is wearing a mask. Read more..." SWE's Take: The police were convicted of murder and still the violence and murdering on the streets continues. IMO...half of America suffers serious mental illness. The kids are without schools and the workers don't want to go back to work now. We're mentally ill generally IMO. Good News: Quit eating contaminated Puget Sound seafood and save money, it costs too much now.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Now With Capital Gains Rising Tax Rising to 43% Under Biden

Don't Give Out Inheritance to kids, the IRS will get it all; drink your empty capital gains cup of coffee to celebrate more taxtion from Dems. God bless the DEATH TAX.

Friday, April 23, 2021

If Ya Didn't File a 1040, You Probably Didn't Get a A Stimulus Check

The Stimulus Free Coffee Tastes Bd, Drink some and read the brief: "... Stimulus checks 'could be a life-changer' — but some are still waiting for the first one About 161 million Americans have shared in several rounds of federal stimulus money. Not among them: many of Seattle's poorest residents, homeless people who face an array of barriers as the clock ticks down. Dosson McGee, at left with Jamila Gardner, hopes to buy clothes and a cellphone if he ever gets his second and third stimulus checks, but it's been a long wait. If you're homeless, here's how to access your stimulus payments. (Photo: Erika Schultz / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: File your 1040 even if you don't have to. "....The fourth wave of COVID-19 is officially slamming Washington as dangerous variants spread, and younger people are getting hit harder. This doesn't bode well for the state's upcoming decision on whether to tighten restrictions. You can see the trends charted in today's live updates. Avoid those unusual coronavirus test sites that have been popping up, King County health officials are warning. They're not operating safely, and they're not necessarily free, according to Public Health – Seattle & King County. Here's what to watch for and where to get tested without worrying about that possible hinkiness...." SWE's take: The Flu is Never Ending and the Vaccine is Scaring People Now... Good News: More jobs for unemployed now.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

If You Paid Your bills yourself already, Biden Socialism SUCKS

Drink a cup of Climate Change coffee, tastes like bitter poison and read the brief: "....Lawmakers consider monthly payment to ease a 'humongous stress' for families The dilemma is excruciating: Babies are supposed to be changed eight to 10 times each day, but diapers can cost about $1,200 a year. Some parents use duct tape when diapers break; others let bills go unpaid, or keep children in wet diapers longer than they would otherwise. The pandemic deepened the challenge for many, and Washington state lawmakers are deciding whether to pay them a monthly diaper stipend. The multimillion-dollar plan is getting a boost from a "Moms Caucus." (Erika Schultz / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: Be a deadbeat and don't pay your bills, Biden will take TAXES from others' bills for the ChiCom deadbeats. "...On this Earth Day, get ready to say goodbye to Styrofoam coolers. Washington state is banning those and imposing new rules on other plastic products. Meanwhile, you can find hope on saving the planet from ourselves in these six big Pacific Northwest environment stories of the past year. And here are a few things you can do in the Seattle area to make a difference...' SWE's Take: Without overpopulation reduction and decreasing the world's population this is a JOKE. "...President Joe Biden opened a global climate summit today with a giant promise: cutting fossil fuel emissions in half by 2030. He's sketching out a vision for what that would look like. As the summit continues, here's what to watch for and why you might want to tune in...." SWE's Take: Gas is already about a $1/gal higher in price with Biden, there goes food COSTS for the poor, going up like a rocket. This is good?

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Biden's Blunders Embarrass America; We Need Trump Back

Drink your instant coffee and pay more too, read the brief: "...King County voters will decide this summer whether to extend and expand the Best Starts for Kids levy, which supports a wide range of early intervention programs. Here's who it would benefit and what it would cost you...." SWE's take: Ya mean they want more money before they'll open schools? Tax us to death. "...A private security company should not be allowed to charge exorbitant, $139-an-hour rates to City Light for the privilege of hiring off-duty Seattle police officers to direct traffic. Officers' off-duty moneymaking in police uniforms needs city management and oversight, The Seattle Times editorial board writes..." SWE's Take: Indeed employee hiring has Seattle Police making a measly $25/hr. No wonder no one wants the job. Good News: Biden's blunders mount up noticed.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Flu Vax Availability Does Not Depend on Diversity, It Depends on Brains and Planning by All Ethnic Groups

Drink that coffee from diversity sources; it costs about the same and read the brief: "... How one pharmacy is vaccinating thousands in a diverse community Dr. Ahmed Ali, a Somali refugee, was told by educators that a career in pharmacy was "not for your kind." Undeterred, he helped establish Othello Station Pharmacy in South Seattle. Now it's taken on an outsized role in the pandemic: bringing COVID-19 vaccines to people who need them the most. This story and video explain how they're doing it sensitively and successfully. (Photo: Erika Schultz / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: Diversity replaces mental IQ and job experience....yeah right. "....The U.S. is warning against travel to 80% of the world because of the virus. The State Department also “strongly recommends U.S. citizens reconsider all travel abroad..." SWE's Take: Seattle Boeing area stock will not be impacted local home owners allege. Good News: Money for vacations being spent on homes instead.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Some Americans Refuse to Work; Want to Stay at Home Forever, Nurses and Teachers too

"...Why some health care workers didn't rush to get vaccines Overlake Medical Center's Brandy Slade, above, was leaning against getting a COVID-19 shot, then a tragedy led to a change of heart. The hesitancy of many health care workers in Washington state surprised hospital officials, who have been working to understand what's holding them back. Nationwide, half of all U.S. adults have gotten at least one shot, though — just like in Washington state — there are clear geographic and political divides. You can see our state’s progress on vaccination in today’s live updates. (Photo: Alan Berner / The Seattle Times).." SWE's Take: They don't want to work they want to be Communist do nothings. Good News: For those that work the pay should be going up if we don't OVERPOPULATE from the southern border to drive down pay.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Japan Won WII After All, American is a Brainless Non-Technical Entity Requiring Japanese 737 Engineers

Drink some Japanese radioactive 737 coffee and read the brief: "...Takuji Yamashita, a 1902 University of Washington Law School graduate, voiced with rare clarity why America must improve — to live up to its own founding principles. His writings and speeches belong in U.S. history texts, beacons to the future as well as the past. Read more..." SWE's take: Fault RACISM on Japan's side for expecting America to support their trade deficit? Good News; The Japanese stole Seattle's 737 program amidst a collapse of the airline market.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

The VACCINE Distributions Make Ya Cry?

Pour yourself some delicious coffee, get the VAX and Read the Brief: "... 'The tears are flowing' as shots arrive in arms Side effects included joy, relief and gratitude as COVID-19 vaccinations opened this week to all Washingtonians age 16 and up. We've pulled together several resources to help:.." SWE's Take: Maybe we can get the highschools open by 2025? "...What's it take to raise $18 billion for new projects and preservation? A large menu of taxes and fees, in hopes that no single cost provokes enough public fury to torpedo the plan. Read more...." SWE's Take: We'll All Move Out of Seattle if they want $18B more in taxation. "...Jobless claims are surging as many Washingtonians enter their second year of unemployment benefits and must now refile to keep that assistance coming. Read more..." SWE's Take: OVERPOPULATE the job market with illegal aliens driving wages down. Good News: The nights are still cold, sleep inside less disturbed by heat.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Will the Last One leaving Seattle Turn off the lights

Will the Last One leaving Seattle Unplug the coffee pot; read the brief "...The infamous billboard reading “Will the last person leaving Seattle – turn out the lights” appears near Sea-Tac Airport in 1971. Two realtors put up the billboard (paying $160 rent) as a humorous response to pessimism generated by a recession at Boeing. The Boeing Bust comes as the region's largest employer goes from a peak of 100,800 employees in 1967 to a low of 38,690 four years later. (Compiled from" Good News: Less population mean FAR less greenhouse gases.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

The VAX is Good For You or it will poison you....Make up your mind Dems

Drink Some Jim Jones Koolaid VAX coffee and read the brief: "... Welcome to Vax Day! Side effects may include joy, relief, tears We've finally arrived at the day all Washingtonians age 16 and up are eligible for vaccines. For many, emotions are deep and sweet as they receive what feels like a key to unlock parts of life that have been out of reach. Here’s our guide to getting your vaccine, advice on handling side effects, a comparison of the available shots, and the newest CDC guidance on how to resume life safely after vaccination. Above, Wanwisa Tiamkuntod shows thanks to Dr. Angela Chien after receiving a shot in Seattle. (Photo: Erika Schultz / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: Now they can open the schools in 5 years. "...Washington students won't take standardized tests this school year, state schools chief Chris Reykdal announced after it appeared that a plan for limited testing wouldn't fly with the feds. This fall, kids will take exams for the grade they were in the previous year...." SWE's Take: The grades are open book and exclude SAT Testing. Meaningless IOWs. Good News: The kids will be on lock down this 2021. The kids will get $300/ea per month...that should fix it?

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Replace Police With Unarmed Folks, Would if They Have Guns?

Drink the coffee Koolaid no one wants, join the police and read the brief: ".... Seattle's push: Get a different kind of help to 911 callers Seattle's Health One team, a pairing of firefighters and social workers, has been making a difference as it responds to a barrage of calls about substance abuse, mental health and other issues that don’t require an ambulance ride. Now, Seattle is launching a second team that will help people in more parts of the city. SWE's Take: What happens when the Domestic violence victims throw a knife at your face? "...Seattle really is "CRAZYTOWN," but not the way Fox News’ Sean Hannity thinks, columnist Danny Westneat writes. He points out an underreported aspect of pandemic-era Seattle — all the crazy hopeful people here who are ignoring the negative hype and chasing dreams anyway...." SWE's take: The young adults hate our high priced homes and rent. Good News: Its sunny today.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Homelessness and Cancer in Seattle, Its the Same Thing; Incurable and HORRIFYING

Drink some bitter tasting cold Seattle Area homelessness coffee and read the brief: "... Change Seattle's city charter to solve homelessness? It's tricky Seattle business leaders and lobbyists are pushing a voter initiative to address street homelessness by changing the city’s charter, which isn't done often. Their plan would require Seattle to quickly provide more shelter, housing, and services — and the city would also have to keep parks and sidewalks clear of encampments. This all raises challenging issues, advocates for homeless people say. (Photo: Greg Gilbert / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: Better spend the federal aid money on lEGAL CITIZEN American homelessness, not foreign invasions and terrorists sneaking in from Central America. Good News: The Dems can't hide the legal citizen homeless crisis from us, the TV cameras already prove its real.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Dems Love to Push Us Around, Aggravate Us and Make Us PAY Illegal Taxes

Drink that $10 cup of coffee and pay your taxes; read the brief: "...You could soon pay higher gas taxes and food-delivery fees, and the cost of new construction could rise, too. Those are among 33 taxes and fees proposed to pay for Washington state's transportation projects, with a few items on the list drawing especially loud blowback. Meanwhile, Americans' desperation to get away is setting the stage for a big gasoline price jump this summer. CORONAVIRUS NEWS Will your county get sent back to Phase 2 of reopening? You'll find out today as Gov. Jay Inslee takes a look at key coronavirus numbers after making a change that's likely to keep many counties in Phase 3. Here's where to follow today's updates, and a refresher on what life looks like in each phase...." SWE's Take: The milestones are bleary and the predictions are all FOG. Good News: 2022 will see a lot of tax spenders being replaced in elections.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Seattle Police Expects Employees Galore Fighting HORRIFYING VIOLENCE for $25/hr Pay Indeed Documents

Drink your rat poison coffee for peanut slave pay and read the brief: "...Seattle officials vowed but failed to reform off-duty police work. In the system left in place, SPD can’t reliably enforce its rules. Employers pay wildly different rates for off-duty cops. One of the biggest customers? The city itself. Read more...." SWE's take: Defund the police and use private contract police now, we can't afford. "...Between lost revenue, layoffs and furloughs, and health directives that ended visitation overnight, 2020 was a year of struggle and adaptation for museums. Uncertainty continues to be a challenge. Here’s how some local museums are weathering the pandemic. Read more..." SWE's take: Add, now no one wants to work and there is a labor shortage. The Biden $300/mo unemployment extention paved the way to loafing at home forever. Good News: Stimulus checks are direct deposited more accurately, when you fill in a 1040 to the IRS....the rest eat cake and wait while they never arrive.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

$CASH$ is the New Way to Still Buy a House in Seattle

Grab that coffee for $CASH$ and read the brief: "... Local housing market is ‘on steroids’; see what’s happening near you A Seattle house in "awful condition" drew seven all-cash offers, with the winner ponying up significantly more than the asking price. It's one sign of how sizzling competition sent King County home prices rocketing upward last month at a pace not seen since June. As prices surge across the entire Puget Sound region, see what's happening near you. Read more..." SWE's Take: What a waste of $CASH$.

Friday, April 9, 2021

If You're Open border, pretend You're Not, the Biden way

Drink your open border coffee with lots of Overpopulation Cream and read the brief: "...Sweeping recall efforts show parents' frustration with schools' slow return to in-person instruction. But there is another way to hold these elected officials accountable, The Seattle Times editorial board writes...." SWE's Take: The teachers want full pay with no in person teaching.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Biden Says Crime Will Go Down if we DEFUND THE POLICE

Steal a cup of coffee, defund the coffee fund and read the brief: "... Chaos and a rush of gunfire: How officers shot a fugitive as children played nearby A Washington State Patrol Crime Lab worker looks at evidence markers on Sept. 4 at the scene in Lacey where homicide suspect Michael Reinoehl was killed as investigators moved in to arrest him. Newly released records provide the most detailed account yet of officers' shooting of the left-wing activist, who was on the run for allegedly killing a pro-Trump protester in Portland. The shooting quickly became political fodder. The records shed new light on a key question: Did Reinoehl fire at officers? (Photo: Ted S. Warren / AP)..." SWE's Take: Crime means calling the police, why is this BAD now? Good News: Loan qualification for mortgages is just about gone.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Biden Hides Truth and Surges in the Polls The Lemming Dems Allege

Drink some over-priced Biden Coffee and read the brief: "...For sale: Boeing's Commercial Airplanes headquarters campus. The Longacres site joins five other Boeing properties up for sale in the Puget Sound region, intensifying doubts about the aerospace giant’s long-term corporate presence here..." SWE's take: Seattle is losing Boeing and we all pretend it not gonna happen. Good News: Biden wants the WALL built now....a litle late.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Kent's Chop Hill Violence Erupts at Two Different Units Last Night

Nervously drink tea and avoid coffee in Kent, read the brief: "...Kent police are investigating two killings at the same apartment complex in less than 40 hours. A 37-year-old woman's shooting death yesterday followed the discovery of a 34-year-old man dead from gunshot wounds early Sunday...." SWE's take: This is what happens in Sanctuary Violence hades holes, like Seattle.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Thw Woke Agenda is Destroy Experience and Talent Employees

Have a "ill mixed" inexperienced coffee brew and become the brief: "... As Seattle classrooms open today, 'I want to teach them how to love school' Today is the first day back in classrooms for more than half of Seattle's elementary-school kids. Loyal Heights kindergarten teacher Kelsey Jackson, above, has a message she'll be giving her students: that "school is different right now, and that it’s OK." This is how it looks as some families relish the first-day butterflies, while others opt out. (Photo: Alan Berner / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: Teach 'em math and science; not how to love school. Good News: The economy can not depend on Socialistic will go broke.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Election Fraud is a Conspiracy Theory Unless Democrats Want it Changed Their way

Enjoy some pig headed coffee from Dems that tastes sour and read the brief: Good News: The Dem tax increases are hated by most all.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

The polls Show Biden is Ahead...they're rigged.

Wait Until the high deficit tax table hit us and coffee hits your stomache and gives you an ulcer and read the brief: "...Seattle-area home prices have risen faster than in all but one other major U.S. metro area for an entire year, according to new data out this week. Look south of Seattle for the most dramatic price hikes. Read more...." SWE's Take: And rents went down 20% too; conflicting data using old Trump tax table data 2021. Good News: The kids are leaving Seattle high rent in droves...

Friday, April 2, 2021

So If Ya Paid for college you were a SUCKER?

Drink your free welfare ChiCom coffee and read the brief: "... Seattle's free community college program draws a flood of applicants More than half of Seattle Public Schools' class of 2021 applied to the Seattle Promise program, surprising staffers, who had expected much lower numbers because of the pandemic. The program feels like a "big opportunity" to Manny Dubinsky, above, who plans to attend the Seattle Maritime Academy. As Seattle Promise draws national attention, leaders are constantly fine-tuning who it serves and how. (Photo: Alan Berner / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's take: The ChiComs won't be attending. Poor education standards.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

The Infrastructure Spending bill Will Fix Seattle's Bridges? Who Knows?

Drink that coffee with cracked Seattle Bridge Cups and readthe brief: "... What Biden's giant transportation plan would mean for Seattle area Columns that will hold tracks for light-rail trains rise along the route from SeaTac to Federal Way. This line and the Lynnwood one are among many local projects that could get a boost from President Joe Biden's $2 trillion plan to transform the U.S. economy, accelerate the fight against climate change and use federal spending to tackle long-standing social challenges. Here are five takeways from the plan, which faces serious political bumps in the road ahead. (Photo: Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times).." SWE's Take: Lord only knows what roads will be repaired, no one knows. Good News: We scared to take the vaccine because they black labeled it during the Trump Fast Track. Now they get their just reward, we're paranoid of the vaccine. Biden can take credit now.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Vaccine Shortage Lines With Eight People Lined Up

Drink your vaccine shortage cup of coffee if it has coffee in it and read the brief: "... 2 million more Washingtonians become eligible for COVID-19 vaccines today Clinics like this one in Auburn are preparing for an influx of people. But if you meet these qualifications, be patient: Demand is outstripping supply. Here's our guide to getting your vaccine, along with a look at the possible side effects and how to manage them. (Photo: Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times).." SWE's Take: The shortage line shows 8 people showed up. Good News: Stimulus 3.0 checks are unlikely; we're BROKE.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Buy 100 K-8 Students New School Clothes Now....What % is 1100 Students to the Total Seattle public Schools? 1%?

Some of you got school coffee, if ya did read the brief with coffee: "... 'A long time coming': Seattle children head back to school "We're feeling good," Tite Zeleke said after hugging her son Numerson Teshome, 4, and dropping him off at South Shore PreK-8 School in Seattle on the first day of in-person classes. Districtwide, about 1,100 Seattle students returned yesterday to preschool and special education classrooms. Despite a few hiccups, kids, parents and educators were beaming. Here's what comes next in Seattle. (Photo: Steve Ringman / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's take: Now the rest back to school by 2025? "...Seattle-area home prices have risen faster than in all but one other major U.S. metro area for an entire year now, according to new data out today. Look south of Seattle for the most dramatic price hikes..." SWE's Take: Wait until the deadbeat tenant "free rent" is exhausted by Sep 2021, then this flash pan debt recovery is sucked dry. Don't bet on Stimulus 3.0. Unemployment extentions end then too. Good News: Most Seattle Home owners are not selling now. Smart investers in my book.

Monday, March 29, 2021

The Biden Killer Flu Trojan Horse Destroying JOBS

Drink your coffee in a trojan horse shaped mug and read the brief: "... You won't have to gallop quite so fast in some Seattle crosswalks Pedestrians are getting more time to make it across — a change celebrated as "a really good step in the right direction" by advocates for seniors and people with disabilities. Traffic engineers are crunching their way through a set of calculations to time this just right. (Photo: Greg Gilbert / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: The other side; cars get slower. "...Southwest Airlines has ordered 100 Boeing 737 MAX jets. Under the deal announced today, Boeing could end up building more than 600 MAXs for the airline through 2031..." SWE's Take: And plane orders get cancelled a lot lately too. "...COVID-19 likely came from animals, not a lab leak, according to a draft of a joint WHO-China study that will soon be released..." SWE's Take: Yeah laboratory bats in Wuhan...its the KUNG FLU...LOL "... U.S. "vaccine passports" are on the way as a growing number of companies say they'll require proof of vaccination before opening their doors. There will be an app for that, but it isn't easy to develop. Feeling unsettled? Maybe it's vaccine envy. Go easy on yourself, experts on envy say as they offer perspective on "the one emotion that everyone is ashamed to admit."..." SWE's Take: The new marijuana testing or your FIRED. Good News: The border crisis is considered more important than a police trial today.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Better get Back to Work, or See Your Job Disappear

Drink coffee from the empty job mug and read the brief: "....s a growing number of people in Seattle and around the country get vaccinated against the coronavirus, white-collar workers are mulling how - or whether - to return to the office. In many places, office work won't be like they left it. Read more..." SWE's Take: Without seniority and skills at the work place we're all screwed. "...For those who love ballet, the sight of a ballerina dancing on pointe is an everyday miracle. Until recently, a man dancing on pointe was a rarity. But, in a world engaged in conversation about gender and inclusivity, things may be changing in ballet, just a bit. Read more. .." SWE's Take: Its not cool to appear lady-like if you're a man. "...Although businesses of all sizes have struggled under COVID-19, the pandemic has been especially hard for smaller firms, especially those with just a few employees and modest revenues. Read more..." SWE's Take: So what, there's help wanted signd all over the Seattle area. Good News: Biden's southern open border is something most of us HATE.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

The Tax Cuts Will be Replaced with Welfare Debt for Socialism and More OVERPOPULATION Demands

Drink that horifying instant coffee for Climate change and read the brief: "...Construction on Seattle's Climate Pledge Arena is heading into the homestretch. Its developers have ambitious plans to make it as much a top concert venue as a sports arena. Read more...." SWE's take: We still owe money on the King Dome, last I they built 3 more stadiums anyway? Good News: Save your stimulus money or ya can put it in the stock market.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Homelessness Killing More Folks With Killer Flu

Drink a mug of coffee vaccine and read the brief: "... King County homeless deaths point to a deadly pandemic winter Carole Burr, 54, became the third homeless person to die in a single week in King County when the camper she was staying in caught fire last month. Her name is among those held up during a recent vigil at Seattle City Hall to remember homeless people who have died. The vigil came at the end of a particularly deadly winter, in which new temporary housing was not nearly enough to meet the need. (Photo: Erika Schultz / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's take: None of us would live long homeless, without Killer Flu. "... Side effects can mean your COVID-19 vaccine is working. But what if you don’t have a reaction? Three experts explain what's going on. Washington’s schools can immediately reduce physical distancing to 3 feet, Gov. Jay Inslee said yesterday as he pushed to get more kids in classrooms. But not every school can start moving desks..." SWE's take: The endless Afghanistan war and now the endless COVID 19 shut downs. "...What lockdown is like for a mother of 11: One laptop for the entire family ... well, that didn't work. Katja Heimann has carried her family over hurdle after hurdle, but it's become “very exhausting lately.” (Just lately?! We're impressed.)..." SWE's take: The King County Schools blame the parents and student for low math and science grades. The teachers are immune from criticism. "...A tweetstorm is raging over Amazon delivery drivers peeing in bottles. Amazon says the claims are false ("You don’t really believe the peeing in bottles thing, do you?"), but drivers say the company is out of touch with their high-pressure reality (“I bought a Shewee and peed in bottles ... I’ve peed my pants at work”)..." SWE's take: Amazon pays like $15-17/hr....great pay and ya get to pee in bottles. Good News: Stimulus Checks finally made it out to those poor and disabled on Social benefits after much failure the last couiple months.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

$1.9T KIller Flu Stimulus Just Killed of the $3T Biden Wants to Add to Debt

Drink your $19/mug coffee and eat less instead, read the brief: "...Seattle's School Board has approved a tentative deal to bring pre-K through fifth-grade students back to classrooms. The teachers union will vote tomorrow on the plan. The board also picked a new member, nonprofit organizer and business consultant Erin Dury..." SWE's Take: Schools should re-open by 2025. Good News: Unemployment low and the restaurant and travel industry destroyed too....I guess those jobs are not essential to a DOW 35000 BOOMING ECONOMY anyway.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Seattle Rationing Vaccine to Just Favored Ethnic Groups, RACISM?

Enjoy you black coffee without white Caucasion cream and read the brief: "... Spend an afternoon with Seattle’s COVID ‘vaccine chasers’ Seattle Fire Department Capt. Kyle White raises his hands to a crowd outside a Rainier Beach vaccination site on Monday to show that only six doses of COVID-19 vaccine are left. People who don't yet qualify for vaccination — or do but can't get an appointment — are flocking to vaccine hubs each day in the hope of scoring a leftover dose. There are rules about how this works, and sometimes vaccine chasers' luck hinges on the smallest detail. Find our updated guide to getting your vaccine, and track the state's vaccination progress in the charts with today's live updates. (Photo: Ken Lambert / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: Governor Inslee mismanaged the vaccine distributions. "...Seattle is opening a historic hotel to homeless people today. Its rooms have been turned into case manager offices, food prep areas and living suites for nearly 140 people. Take a look inside the nearly century-old Executive Hotel Pacific..." SWE's Take: That will cure less than 1% of Seattle homelessness...too little ,too late. Good News: The "surging" stock market shugs off loss of restaurants and air travel. We're doing better without those jobs eating into savings now? We have too many employees in America? Time to build more houses instead.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Biden's Agenda: Randomly Spend Money and Raise Taxes and Do Nothing But Make Trouble

Enjoy the tax increase Biden coffee for $10/mug and read the brief: "...Seattle spent $3 million on a survey about police funding, community programs and how to reimagine safety. The Black Brilliance Research Project aimed to reach groups that often are left out of policy discussions. It’s one of the most expensive consultant contracts the city has awarded in recent memory, decided without bidding. Here’s what Seattle has learned. Above, a demonstrator outside Seattle City Hall in August 2020. (Photo: Erika Schultz / The Seattle Times).." SWE's Take: Better off spending the $3M on the homeless. Good News: Biden can't raise taxes until 2022.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Biden is Not Transparent on Agenda Chaos At Border

Drink some Biden Sour Tea That He Says is Real Coffee and read the brief: "...The city of Redmond is trying a new tactic to bolster a resurgence in tourism: giving visitors money..." SWE's Take: I thought Seattle area was swimming in $CASH$...I guess it was a blatant lie. Good News: Most wouldn't visit Redmond if we paid them to.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

The Old Growth Trees From Seattle Disappeared Decades Ago....The Liberals Lag Reality

Enjoy some $1 a mug coffee that disappeared decades ago and read the brief: "...Two former directors of the state Department of Natural Resources call for a gradual fade-out of all logging on state forest lands. The proposal would put the state on the leading edge of research on using big trees for storing carbon. Read more..." SWE's Take: Blame carbon on oil? How about OVERPOPULATION, its root cause. "...Educators were forced to think big when schools were thrust into crisis of the pandemic, and not just about how to use technology. Here are some of the innovative ideas hatched during the pandemic that could change education forever. Read more..." SWE's take: Looks like they're frisking her for weapons....wearing a flu mask....the teachers have become POWER MAD? "...For Seattle’s LGBTQ+ communities, nightlife venues are community gathering places, organizing spaces, places to heal. But facing challenges such as rising rents, gentrification and pandemic closures, some wonder if Seattle’s LGBTQ+ nightlife scene will ever be the same..." SWE's Take: Close these establishments looks like organized crime to me. They dress in black like criminals. "...Spring is the perfect time to use rhubarb to create a pizza that has the vegetable in a savory application not often seen. This recipe also makes sure the rhubarb retains its shape rather than dissolving into mush...." SWE's take: No food calories. Just a bit of cheese and crust for like $30? Rhubarb Pizza? Yuck. Good News we don't have to eat pizza crust pizza made with strange ingredients...we can cook it ourselves at home.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Drop Into an Asian Health Spa; their Culture Allows more Sexual Behavior

Drink some bikini barista coffee and read the brief: "... 'We will not be silent when we are being murdered' Seattle is increasing security to protect Asian Americans, who are speaking out about their own painful experiences and grief after this week's shootings in Georgia (above) left eight people dead, including six Asian Americans. The shootings, and the way law enforcement responded, are deepening the trauma in a year of racist attacks. The white man who's been charged isn't the first to blame sex addiction for heinous crimes, but scientists are skeptical of the claim...." SWE's Take: Stop being spa prostitutes and the deaths will decrease. "...The latest big-news Seattle restaurant goodbye might be Tom Douglas’ downtown Dahlia Lounge, but the little places we’ve just lost also made up the fabric of the city in a different, hugely important way. Here’s a look at them — and which have hopes to rise again. Read more..." SWE's take: Spending $20-30 a meal; perhaps much more is not worth it. Cook yourself instead. Good News: The interest rates went up during Biden's spending savings rates went up and the mortgage interest rates going back up again. I'm not a home buyer so would care less.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Unemployment Checks will have to be paid back, the money was stolen in Seattle

Drink some coffee ya stole from the coffee fund and read the brief: "...The National Guard is stepping in again to help Washington state sort out the mess at its unemployment agency. This comes after the agency said 55,000 people may have to pay back thousands of dollars in jobless benefits...." SWE's take: Ya can't get water from a rock...the money was spent. Good News: Now ya know why Biden wouldn't tell us about his agenda....we all hate it.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

We Didn't Need Cars in Seattle Anyway...this should help home sales in Seattle????

Gulp that cup of coffee ya picked up while walking in Seattle and read the brief: "...A "major area" of Seattle would be off-limits to most cars and 90% of personal trips would be made without gas-powered vehicles under the city's new plan to electrify the transportation system by 2030...." SWE's Take: That would be the last straw for selling a home in Seattle. "...The $3.3 billion improvement in Washington's four-year financial outlook, announced yesterday, is welcome news for the post-pandemic recovery and strong evidence the state doesn't need a capital-gains tax, The Seattle Times editorial board writes..." SWE's Take: Biden's capital gain tax increases will destroy the economy. Good News: Biden is getting blamed for chaos with open borders.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Drink Some ChCom/Migrant Tea, Biden's President

Enjoy your ChiCom Tea and read the brief: "...The pandemic "is going to change education forever." Educators are rethinking everything from technology and testing to the "butt-in-desk" model of education...." SWE's Take: It will all fail miserably too. "...Seattle's ban on evictions has been extended through the end of June, but the City Council is holding off on whether to provide a free lawyer to anyone facing eviction. Meanwhile, Washington state will get many millions of federal dollars to help renters and homeowners who are behind on their payments. Don't expect that to arrive soon, though..." SWE's take: Don't expect any stimulus money IOWs? Biden wants it all to go to the Blue State Migrants instead. Good News: You won't have to save it anymore for a rainy day soon.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Seattle Cooler temperatures

Grab that cold cup of Seattle coffee and read the brief: "... COVID-19 precautions shut down flu this season. What will next winter bring? It could be especially nasty, researchers say — although perhaps what we've learned in the pandemic will help us..." SWE's Take: The vax is useless the lock downs will go on and on. "...Police arrested 13 people in downtown Seattle on Saturday night on investigation of charges including felony assault, obstructing an officer and damaging property. A Starbucks store was vandalized and the ferry terminal was temporarily closed..." SWE's take: And that was a "slow night" on Seattle violence out of control. The fun goes on and on. Good News: The schools may never open, but at least the school brainwashing has ended too.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Seattle Folks Moving Out in Droves now

Drink that out of state coffee and read the brief: "...Seattle shrinking? Seattleites moved out in droves in 2020, though most didn’t go far..." SWE's Take: How many moved and did they leave the State? The Tooth Fairy knows. Good News: There is still old money around for $700K homes in Seattle....the youth is left behind and living in a Midwest Trump State now?

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Stimulus Checks in Mail? Make Sure You Get It.

Drink your stimulant caffeine if it arrives and read the brief: "...Downtown Seattle’s Dahlia Lounge will never reopen. Owner Tom Douglas has new plans for the space after the Dahlia reigned as a high-end dining destination for 32 years. Douglas is talking about what it might take to reopen several of his other restaurants whose doors are still locked. Read more...." SWE's take: A lot of restaurants closed in Kent the last year: to name a few: Mitzels in Kent Golden Steer Sales Deal Was cancelled Las Margitas Covington Long John Silvers Carl Jrs Dickies Barbeque All buffet restaurants Many still open slashed their hours or don't open on weekends..

Friday, March 12, 2021

We'll Open Up By May, Now July Biden Says....No End In sight as Child Cages Fill at border

Drink your late arriving cold cup of coffee and read the brief: "....Hope and possibilities': Biden pledges fast vaccinations for all adults All American adults will be eligible for coronavirus vaccines by May 1, putting us on track to return to a semblance of normal life by July 4, President Joe Biden said yesterday. He laid out concrete steps to make that happen after "a year filled with the loss of life, and the loss of living." (Here are three key takeaways from his speech, and the exaggerations that sent fact-checkers scurrying.) As vaccinations rise, we're answering questions about how daily life is transforming for vaccinated people and what they can do under new guidelines. (Photo: Ted S. Warren / AP, file)..." SWE's take: As we deprioritize vaccines to nursing homes and downplay death rates there. "...Good news for unemployed Washingtonians? Not so fast. Some are facing painfully long waits for the $300-a-week federal benefits, even after Congress extended the aid in the COVID-19 relief package that passed this week. And to pay out that gigantic package, the U.S. must spend an average of $43,000 per second until 2022 — so, probably about $1 million in the amount of time it takes you to read this news item aloud. That's going to be tricky..." SWE's take: Help wanted signs all over Seattle and we waste money on unemploymnents....teachers, go back to work or get no pay. Period. Good News: The meat locker temperatures in the mornings is keeping the grass growing slower.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Dems Don't Like Being Called "Open borders"; They Are

Drink some sour open border coffee and read the brief: "... Want new wheels? Plan way, way ahead We all remember when grocery stores ran out of toilet paper, and “that’s kind of what bike shops are like today,” one manager says. With demand skyrocketing during the pandemic, customers who are hoping to snag a bike for this summer should start shopping now. But expect to wait for months, depending on how you do this. Know how to find a good bike shop, and if you already have your ride, check out these five Seattle street-cycling loops. (Photo: Amanda Snyder / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's take: Yeah we'll all stop driving cars to switch to bikes...LOL. The Green New Deal Hopes to eliminate gas and oil...we go back to horses now?

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

How Can a Bill Take Out a Lot of Pork and remain the same $1.9T price tag? MSM is lying.

Grab the watered down coffee for $5/mug or the full strength brew for $5/mug and read the brief: "... Seattle's Lumen Field Event Center morphs into mass vaccination clinic Boat shows, concerts and art fairs have given way to 144 vaccination stations in the cavernous event center, which will open Saturday with the capability to vaccinate 22,000 people a day when the shots become more readily available. How will they pack that many people in without getting everyone sick? Here's how it will work, along with our updating guide to getting your vaccine in the Puget Sound area. (Photo: Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times) .." SWE's Take: 4 hour waits for vaccine shots with appointments? "...The U.S. is preparing to send direct payments to Americans, with Congress today set to approve one of the biggest economic-relief packages in U.S. history. It's so humongous that the sheer volume of new programs threatens to swamp federal agencies. Here's where to follow along today, and when many Americans can expect payments and other benefits. Pointedly, the checks will not be signed by President Joe Biden, though they're a win for him as he hits Day 50 today. This is where things stand on his key promises...." SWE's take: Checks come TBD date? "...Will Seattle's latest school reopening plans stick? That's what frustrated families are wondering after the district yesterday delayed in-person instruction for some kids who were supposed to head back to classrooms tomorrow. Union and district officials say their negotiations have turned a new page...." SWE's take: Under incommpetent Biden the schools will open when the late stimulus checks ever arrive. Good News; Biden's border crisis he's ignoring is now haunting him.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Seattle Swamp Decaying to Destruction Have some decayed Seattle Swamp bitter tasting coffee and read the brief: "... A space 'more normal than school' lifts kids out of a dark time First-grader Nevaeh Korsmo reaches for hand sanitizer at the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe's learning center in Port Angeles. After the pandemic hit, the tribe and the local school district created this unique space, wrapping kids in normalcy and helping raise their grades. Now they're planning to keep it open beyond the pandemic. Take a look inside; the photos are lovely. (Photo: Amanda Snyder / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's take: How poorly did they score on math and science? "...How the Republican Party's fracture could affect Washington state: In the closest thing our state has to a competitive congressional district, U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler has turned the crack between the two wings of the Republican party into a chasm..." SWE's Take: 90% of Trump supporters still support Trump..what fracture? Now Biden Dems are another Socialist State fractured Democratic Party. Biden vs Sanders... Good News: Stocks are up as Trump's Operation Warpspeed rockets ahead with VACCINES galore.

Monday, March 8, 2021

What's the Total Price of the COVID 19 $1.9 Bill Now? $500B? Who knows...

Drink some unknown coffee COVID 19 Dem Bill and read the brief: The Seattle area limits itself to Johnsons and Johnsons vaccine and calls it a shortage.... Good news: We're all not Village idiots from Seattle.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Dems Want COVID 19 Stilumlus For Everything but Killer Flu

Drink your Dem COVID Stimulus Tea, no budget for Real Coffee and read the brief: Good News: Its created huge bipartisan problems and problems with Dem unity as well.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

The Village Idiot Dems Ignore Killer Flu in $2T Relief Package: Waste it on Unrelated Pre-COVID Coastal State Waste Instead

Grab a cup of $20 Covid 19 $2T Mammoth Spending Not Related to COVID 19 and read the brief: "... Far more Washingtonians can get vaccinated — if they can find doses A flurry of actions made more Washingtonians eligible for COVID-19 vaccines this week, and Gov. Jay Inslee laid out who will be included in the next several stages. Now that teachers and child care workers can get their doses, we took a look at whether, and how, this could speed the return to classrooms. (Meanwhile, the timeline for vaccinating kids is getting a bit clearer.) Veterans of all ages got access to vaccine appointments this week, too. But of course all of this heightens the demand for shots that were already in short supply. And it will be a while before our state has much of Johnson & Johnson's one-dose vaccine. Here's what the J&J shot means for Washington, along with our guide to getting your vaccine...." SWE's take: Johnson and Johnson is just one company [out of about 5 or 6] making the vaccine; change companies idiots. "...Some 55,000 Washingtonians may have to pay back thousands of dollars in jobless benefits. The state Employment Security Department’s acting commissioner shared that prospect during an update to lawmakers on the challenges the agency faces. Read more..." SWE's take: Village Idiots running the show with no brains. "...What does it take to shed your clothing, pad across snow in your bare feet and dunk your swimsuit-clad body into the 40-something-degree water at Alki Beach just to get some exercise in the winter? It’s … refreshing, really, says this determined band of open water swimmers. Read more...." SWE's Take: Dems love feeling cold and miserable and claim its good for all of us. They want all to suffer. Good News: The frozen water swimmer didn't catch Killer Flu...LOL

Friday, March 5, 2021

Biden Backward Intellectually; Why is brainless warehouse delivery more important than Trump Warp Speed Development of vaccine?

Drink your percolated coffee with grounds in it and claim its more inventive and read the brief: "... Johnson & Johnson vaccines arriving in Washington — slooooowly The first shipment of the single-dose vaccine made it to Washington this week, but don't expect more for weeks. Who will get it? Our FAQ Friday looks at where J&J's vaccine will go and whether it can be used as a second dose after a patient received a different first shot. (Photo: Jessica Hill / AP)..." SWE's Take: Excuses, excuses, skin of a reason, stuffed with lies. Good News: We can forget about real dangers now; Biden calls violence in our streets and border crisis not crisis. LOL

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Grandparents Provide Grandkid Care Normally in Seattle, Its the high rent

Drink your coffee after dropping 0ff Your Kids at grandma's so ya can work and read the brief: "... Raising grandkids in a pandemic — with little help Ollie Reeves, 76, is plunging into her savings to raise her grandson Montrey, 14, and his 10-year-old sister. She’s one of more than 47,000 people in Washington who are raising a relative’s child outside the formal foster-care system. Their role is crucial for kids. But these "kinship caregivers" — who are disproportionately people of color — have reason to cry out, writes columnist Marcus Harrison Green. He asks: Can’t we lend them a hand? (Photo: Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: This is not new, this was going on twenty years ago in Seattle. Good News: They blame Killer Flu for all class inequity the last 30 years....but we aren't stupid.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Why Do We Really Need a $1.9T Stimulus When DOW is Surging Over 31000?

Drink Your 3rd Useless Cup of Stimulus Coffee and read the brief: "... Seattle trying to remove park's homeless encampment without police today Outreach workers have told the residents of about a dozen tents at Denny Park that they must pack up and leave. Police say they're ready to join today's effort to remove the encampment if needed. But even if officers don't show up, it's unclear if this removal is much different than the ones the City Council tried to stop last year. (Photo: Erika Schultz / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's take: Amazon workers for $17/hr have to live somewhere, they can't afford the rent. "...A new neo-Nazi group in Spokane is serving as a "stark reminder" of the era of virulent extremism in the Northwest. “It’s not gone, it’s still here and it’s very real,” the chair of the Spokane Human Rights Commission said after the arrest of a man who's accused of a chilling vandalism attack on a synagogue. Read the Times Watchdog story...." SWE's take: The real concentration of violent gangs is liberal bent chop hill thugs in Seattle. Good News: Its sunny today....cold as a meat locker this morning [31 degrees] but should warm up today.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Public Schools Can Open: Just Let the Kids Play on Picnic Tables Outside 6" Apart

Drink your coffee by yourself with 6' Social Distance and read the brief: "... How schools and scientists choreographed a reopening together Cindy Pratt, a first-grade teacher in Chapel Hill, N.C., reads to her students during a lunch with social distancing on Thursday. Researchers and physicians there teamed up to help schools draft detailed COVID-19 strategies for nearly every moment of the school day. That's helped reopen classrooms sooner — and more safely. Here's what Washington state can learn. (Photo: Ted Richardson / For The Seattle Times).." SWE's Take: IOWs the schools will never open. The teachers don't want to work real jobs now. "...Enjoy this early blast of spring while you can. The sunniest day of the week is still ahead, but then things turn … well, you know … Seattle-ish..." SWE's take: The mornings feel like a meat locker cold temperature in Seattle. "...Police are searching for the person who killed a teenager in a shooting last night in Renton. Meanwhile, two men have been charged with murder after a 19-year-old's body was found in a North Seattle snowbank..." SWE's take: The police don't want to work in Killer Flu for $25/hr. "...Six Dr. Seuss books won't be published anymore because of racist and insensitive imagery. The books include some well-known tales. Today's announcement came on the birthday of Dr. Seuss, aka Theodor Seuss Geisel...." SWE's take: The Grinch Christmas is RACIST, they made him green. "..."The whole plane was just going crazy." A flight was canceled Sunday after a large group of passengers refused to wear masks, Frontier Airlines said. By Monday morning, the airline was facing accusations of anti-Semitismism...." SWE's Take: Airlines are a joke now. Stop flying them, reduce Greenhouse Gas. Good News: Restaurant take out tips are optional now.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Without Face to Face Public Schools the Kids are Screwed

Drink a delicious cup of face to face public schools coffee and read the brief: "... Uncharted waters: Trends to watch as kids head back into classrooms As Washington kids learned from home, they generally lost ground in math but held steady in reading. Should the differences in the ways students acquire skills — and forget them — change how schools approach academics when they reopen classrooms? It depends who you ask, and some educators are proposing a fundamental shift. Meanwhile, a Republican senator has a great idea to save the school year in Washington state, columnist Danny Westneat writes. (Illustration: Gabriel Campanario / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's take: Never as the "Socialists" Teachers Union if goofing off and staying locked down is bad. Ask a student if they want the schools re-openned. "...A SWAT team and crisis negotiators responded to a shooting that left one man dead this morning in Burien. Plan ahead for traffic: Closures on the First Avenue South Bridge are expected to cause all-day traffic jams for several days, starting this coming weekend. Here's a detailed look at what's happening and when on the key route to West Seattle. You can always check traffic here..." SWE's Take: Crime in Seattle is horrifying and so is the cracked bridge leading to the now useless waterfront tunnel. Its all destroyed. Good News: Trump is back, stronger than ever with Biden's Stimulus Bill failing because of its HORRIFYING $1.9T price tag. Perhaps we don't need all these useless jobs for low pay in service sector that illegal aliens work...the DOW is surging to 32000 without them. Depopulate now! Close the borders and prosper. The Hades with eating out and riding pollution airplanes raising the Green House gas. We're doing fine cooking our own dinners and air travel has morphed to RV sales and home improvements. We may never go back to rich elite OERPOPULATION myths.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Trump Does First Speech Since January

Celebrate Trump's Come-back with a delicious cup of your favorite coffee and read the brief: Biden opens op the children cages and encourages minors unaccomponied into America into cages. Good News: Biden hasn't bulldozed the Trump wall down....yet.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Pork Galore in Killer Flu Stimulus of $1.9T, As DOW surges to Record Levels?

Drink your useless decaff stimulus coffee and read the brief: SWE's Take: Why do we need a Killer flu stimulus when DOW is over 31K? What good will it do? Good News: We stopped vacation travel and closed businesses and still stocks surge. The economy has morphed to a need for no workers now?

Friday, February 26, 2021

The Schools Will Open Up Normal in a Few Years Biden Calms Our Nerves?

Drink some shutdown coffee, its just hot water with no coffee and read the brief: "... Johnson & Johnson's one-dose vaccine could land here next week Washington state expects more than 60,000 doses of Johnson & Johnson's one-dose coronavirus vaccine next week, and the state is working on who should get them and how. This all hangs on the vaccine's federal approval. That may come this weekend, depending largely on what independent advisers to the FDA reveal today about whether it's safe and effective (this story will update) . So which vaccine should you get? Don’t be too picky, experts say. Here’s our guide to getting your shot. (Photo: Ken Lambert / The Seattle Times) ..." SWE's Take: EQC Casino will award vaccine doses that beat the gambling machines. Inslee smiles. "... Millions of Americans would get $1,400 direct payments in a COVID-19 relief package that Democrats are aiming to push through the House today. But a minimum-wage boost looks like a no-go. Here's what made it in, and where to find updates..." SWE's Take: The Dem Covid 19 $1.9T stimulus bill is a JOKE. It will never pass. "....If you filed for unemployment in Washington last year, check your inbox in the coming weeks. The state auditor's office is sending notices to 1.3 million Washingtonians affected by a massive data breach, telling them about identity theft protection and providing individual codes for a year of free credit monitoring...." SWE's Take: Our State Unemployment fund is so dumb and idiotic; organized crime would handle it more ethically. Identity Theft mechanisms were useless right before the "high tech" virus shutdown my computer and made it past all the useless firewall protection too [anti-virus S/W]. Its hopeless with corrupt the high tech MOB in charge. Good News: Police will get more recognition as society unravels in high tech corruptions.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Biden Illegal Immigrants Favorite President

Drink your ill tasting illegal immigrant coffee from Mexico and read the brief: "... What will Biden's sweeping changes mean for immigrants in Washington state? "I know there is a path for us" to become citizens under President Joe Biden's immigration overhaul, says Mario Rodríguez, but he keeps suitcases packed in case he needs to leave. The Pacific County resident came to the U.S. from Mexico 17 years ago on a visa that later expired. He's among many immigrants in Washington state who are feeling caution and confusion as they try to sort out what's changing. Here is what's known, and what isn't. (Photo: Erika Schultz / The Seattle Times).." SWE's Take: So What, he's in America illegally. Period. Illegal Aliens break the law and Biden gives them more money. Why? Good News: The Trump stimulus checks were sent out before Biden stalled them with potential trillions in pork projects not related to COVID 19.The defecit got smaller.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

I Can't Breath Wearing a Flu Mask All Day and They Pay Me the Same as Not Wearing One Before

Pour yourself a steaming hot cup of coffee that will burn your tongue like flu masks stop your breathing; gulp the scolding liquid down in pain and read the brief: "... How to boost your mask's protection against COVID-19 New CDC research highlights the importance of well-fitting, multilayered masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Our graphic shows the do's and don'ts of mask-wearing, and here's the latest thinking on double-masking. (Illustration: Jennifer Luxton / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's take: I hope ya don't have asthma. "...Someone has been slashing brake lines on at least 18 parked cars in Des Moines. One woman had no idea her car had been targeted until she was driving and couldn't stop. Police are looking for a man whose deeds were captured on porch cameras..." SWE's Take: The New Green Deal Liberal Nuts out destroying our cars? "...A fight over payment for a home repair ended in the fatal beating of a Kent man on Monday, police say..." SWE's take: Seattle real estate has sky rocketed in price and so have property taxes; no wonder home maintenance costs turn into WAR. Good News: Avoid high priced contractors for maintenance ya can't afford.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Inflation By Progressive Rich Elite High Home Prices Have Destoyed the Economy for the Poor

Grab your $15/mug high priced real eatate coffee in Seattle and read the brief: "...The Seattle area’s skyrocketing home prices put us behind only one other U.S. city as home prices nationally rose by double-digit percentages for the first time in years. New data shows whi"ch parts of our region, and which price ranges, are hottest..." SWE's Take: Property taxes and rents went WAY up in Seattle about $150/mo now too. Blessed are the rich in Seattle. "...Seattle is hitting the brakes on reopening school buildings. The district, locked in negotiations with its teachers union, now says the youngest students won't return until at least March 8. Even that date is no guarantee..." SWE's Take: The teachers don't want to work in Killer Flu. Period. "...A Boeing 757 bound for Seattle made an emergency landing yesterday after a possible problem with one of its engines. The engines are made by Pratt & Whitney, which is taking heat over two midair engine failures Saturday on Boeing jets. One of those failures sent debris raining down near Colorado homes (here's the latest on that investigation), and the other blasted metal parts onto the ground in the Netherlands, where two people were injured..." SWE's Take: Ever since Japan took over Boeing manufacturing, what Safety Engineering? "...Who was responsible for the U.S. Capitol riot? Expect to hear clashing answers today as senators hear from four law enforcement officials — three of whom have resigned after the massive security failures on Jan. 6. Check back for updates..." SWE's Take: Ya mean that whole impeachment Trump incites Capital riot was fabricated out of thin air? Good News: Study hard and become intelligent/Conservative.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Welcome to 3rd World Country Public Schools Forever in America Folks

Drink your coffee the barista did the math wrong on the order, read the brief: "... How to teach kids after COVID-19: 'We need to give them hope' My-Linh Thai didn't know English when she came to the U.S. as a teenager from Vietnam. She asked a school counselor to write down exactly what she needed to do to graduate, and did it all. In 2018, Thai became the first refugee elected to Washington state's House. She and others say that as we chart an academic recovery for all children, we should look to the support given to young refugees by "newcomer" schools — because COVID-19 has, in a way, turned all schools into newcomer schools. Here's what is succeeding. (Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: Its a good thing our schools have degraded to 3rd world nation level, God forbid America 1st. OVERPOPULATION is wonderful? "...People aren’t fleeing Seattle. They just aren’t moving here anymore. FYI Guy unpacks why Seattle saw the nation's second-highest drop in the rate of people moving in, and why home prices are still rising despite this..." SWE's take: No matter how BAD it is; the Seattle dimwit lemming makes its good anyway. Good News: The Biden Agenda won't wants $5T added to debt this year.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Biden Horrifying Us All Now, Time to Back the Congress in 2022

Be careful, workers are now optional with automation; now drink your robot made coffee and read the brief: "...After months of deserted streets and shuttered storefronts, downtown Seattle faces a long road back to recovery. Those who rely on it have little certainty whether or when it can regain its earlier vitality. Read more. From the Gold Rush to CHOP, here’s how Seattle has claimed fame in the national media spotlight..." SWE's Take: CHOP Hill not a disgrace? Could fooled me. Good News: No one believes the MSM garbage anymore.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

COVID 19 Vaccine Wait lines Have More Problems Than Just Bad Weather; Try Mental Incompetence

Drink your vaccine coffee, if ya can find it and read the brief: "...Frustrated about finding the COVID vaccine, with dozens of sites to search? We are, too. But instead of getting mad, some guerrilla techies have invented a one-stop shot-finding website. Read more. Overcrowding, no parking, long waits: Western Washington’s snow accessibility issues were exposed in this COVID-19 winter..." SWE's take: Blame the Tooth Fairy this time,don't blame mental incompetence. Good News: The bill to pass on $1.9T Killer Flu stimulus will never pass now, we hate $15/hr min wage.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Green New Deal Causes Grid Failure With More Electricty to charge Electric Cars Being Used

The Green Deal Village Idiots reverse it and blame oil/gas shortages instead. Drink your green deal koolaid and pretend its coffee and read the brief: "...Sen. Ted Cruz's luxury family vacation in Cancun was "obviously a mistake," he said yesterday after hurrying home amid an uproar over his escape from a deadly winter storm. His wife's texts detail the blunder as disaster unfolded at home in Texas, where the go-it-alone state is rattled by its failure to keep the power on. Repulsive scenes are unfolding at hospitals that are running out of water, and it’s so cold on the Plains that calves’ ears are falling off..." SWE's Take: Hurricane victims rush to outside hotels during storms....why should Texas residents flee homes for warm hotels when icicles form inside houses? Its still a free country, last I heard. "... Get outside safely, or stay in and cook to your heart's content. Here are our top picks for weekend fun..." SWE's Take: Most pop in frozen food for outratious store prices...the microwave is the oven. We don't know how to cook. Good News: We're getting fatter from lazy Socialist lock downs and need to eat less.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Pay Your Property Tax Increases Seattle Home owners See Them Rise Sharply

Drink your $10 a mug Property Tax Coffeeand read the brief: "...Property tax bills are arriving in King County, but don't expect a break because of the pandemic. Several areas will see sharp increases...." SWE's Take: Eat less and ya can afford the property tax increase. Good News: We may not be able to afford the homes and taxes in Seattle; but we can put off buying the "Money Pits".

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Close Everything Up and Live on Socialism/Debt and No One Needs Work Anymore Biden says

Drink thta coffee free from the food bank and read the brief: "...QFC is closing two Seattle stores and blaming the city’s new $4-an-hour hazard pay law for grocery workers, in part. That explanation drew some stinging responses. On the flip side, Amazon is likely opening another Seattle-area grocery store..." SWE's take: At least they show for work, they should get hazardous duty pay. Let the Killer Flu worker strike eat cake. Open up our schools NOW! "...About 100 million Americans are bracing for yet another winter storm in Texas and parts of the Southern Plains, with many shivering in the dark after record cold left at least 20 people dead and millions without electricity. Animals at a Texas primate sanctuary froze to death when the heat went off. The power crisis serves as a big warning for the U.S. as climate change wreaks more extreme weather events...." SWE's take: The electric cars are draining the electric grid capacity dry. End EV car production until this dilemma is fixed. "...Every American who wants a vaccine will be able to get one by the end of July, President Joe Biden predicted at a town hall last night in which he also got personal about the humbling experience of "coming home" to the White House but tried to avoid mentioning "the former guy." Meanwhile, that former guy's once-prized casino went down with a bang today. Watch it happen..." SWE's take: The name is former President Trump, not the "Other Guy". Good News: We now blame Biden for the vaccine and school opening delays. Not the "Other Guy".

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Biden Throws the Rentors in the Ditch...Only Home Owners (11%) Get Killer Flu Home Payment Eviction Protection

So Much for the Dems favoring the was always a lie to ignore them later, drink your coffeee anyway and read the brief: "... The Big Melt: It's a good day to wear boots Get ready to get wet today, as we contend with rain, slick roads and the slush underfoot. (Here's where to check traffic if you need to go somewhere.) The Seattle-area forecast includes a glimpse of sun, though. That contrasts with much of the U.S. after an enormous winter storm left millions of people without power. A "nightmare situation" is unfolding in Texas, where two people have died and others are huddling together in closets to stay warm in homes not insulated for the subfreezing temperatures. (Photo: Steve Ringman / The Seattle Times).." SWE's take: Just what our electric grid doesn't need, electric car charging shutting it down. "...Will Canada's cruise ban sink Seattle's waterfront businesses? Visitors dropped by at least 75% there last year, according to the Seattle Historic Waterfront Association. Now, with the news that the large-ship cruise season is likely toast for the second consecutive year, shops and restaurants are aiming to survive using lessons they learned painfully. (Photo: Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's take: Canada strikes back after Keystone Pipeline MASS Layoffs by Biden? "...The downtown Nordstrom's glass entrance doors and nine display windows valued at more than $50,000 each were smashed Sunday night, likely with a hammer, police said..." SWE's take: Impeach the Antifa and BLM violent prone folks from the peaceful demonstrators. "... Online learning has been offered since 1973 at one local university. Early adopters of distance education chart its evolution and how it's been proven to be an effective, convenient and even desired pathway for 21st-century learners..." SWE's take: 97% of the students want face to face schools back again...this article is propaganda. Good News: The sins of destroying our Public School children lives will extend for decades now; at least we know it.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Just Like the Mad Queen on Alice in Bidenland..."Off With Their Trumpster Heads", "Impeach Them All"

Drink the Alice Coffee That Makes You Shrink in Size and read the brief: "...Washington state has administered more than a million coronavirus vaccine doses but has struggled to vaccinate some of the people at highest risk for disease, including home care workers, Hispanic residents and people experiencing homelessness. What went wrong? A lot. Read the Times Watchdog report. And here's the latest on how you can get vaccinated. More:..." SWE's Take: Moron Progressives managing Killer Flu to bankruptcy failures...just like their econmic agenda plans. "... The CDC is defending its guidance on school reopening amid criticism that the standards are nearly impossible to meet..." SWE's take: The CDC clowns blew it when they slowed vaccine approval down; now they're resetting for Biden, too late now, we all fear the horrible Trump vaccines now....LOL "... Now that he's been acquitted a second time, former President Donald Trump is plotting his re-emergence into public life. Here's what that might look like..." SWE's Take: Huge Trump Rallys all over America now..."Lock Her Up"!!!! Biden's censores are fruitless now. Good News: The ice is melting in Seattle, the roads are melting and its raining today.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

The Dem Politicians Perfofrm Like Minor League, Trump Perfomed Like Major League

Drink some major league coffee and read the brief: "...Washington state spent months planning for equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, but fell short on logistics, failing to tap the National Guard and stumbling to provide needed technology. Some high-risk groups have been left behind. Read more..." SWE's Take: Put your trust in mismanagement and progressive. "...Here are crafts, food recommendations, outdoor activities and more things you can do this weekend. Read more..." SWE's take: Another Village Idiot giving Progressive Advice to drive on icy dangerous snow to fetch valentines gifts....LOL "...Dating itself is already difficult; it involves meeting new people, building trust and relationships. But add COVID-19 to that, and people now have to consider myriad other factors pertaining to health and safety. Read more..." SWE's Take: Dating in Seattle is DEAD without kissing and touching. Period. Progressives can't think with a clear mind. "...A new UW look into the extreme positions and delusions of the Make America Great Again movement explains why, even after the Capitol riot, Donald Trump retains such a hold on the Republican party. Read more. ..." SWE's Take: Extreme far left positions will destroy America UW. Open Borders will destroy the environment UW. Smell the coffee. Good News: We aren't believing them anymore.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Snow Blizzard Lock Downs in Seattle plesurable? Like Killer Flu?

Drink your coffee and read the brief: "...Nothing bonds the people of Western Washington like snow. Depending on where you live, you may see an icy dusting to a foot or more. And beware, the mountains are about to get dumped on. We'll be updating conditions all weekend. Read more..." SWE's Take: Too bad the car tires don't bond to the icy streets. Everyone that I knows HATES snow in Seattle. Good News: The seattle lemmings love a horrifying snow day in Seattle...not me...LOL

Friday, February 12, 2021

We All Got Horrified With Biden's Planned Tax HIKES, Open Borders and Cozy With the ChiComs

Now the snow is to the store quick before the blizzard and buy some milk with your coffee and read the brief: "... Snow is on the way to the Seattle area Are you ready? Our forecast still calls for up to a half-foot of snow, and the National Weather Service this morning told us when to expect to see the first flakes. Louis Press, 12, sits on the hood of his dad's truck in Burien on Thursday afternoon, trying to catch snowflakes on his tongue. Seattle is adding extra emergency shelter space for people living outside. Here is a big-picture, graphic look at the snowpack situation around the state. (Photo: Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's take: Quick get to a store to pick up necessities before the streets turn icy. "...It's the defense's turn to make its case in the second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump. His lawyers are likely to acknowledge how violent and traumatic Jan. 6 was — and insist that Trump had nothing to do with it. They'll aim to keep as many Republicans as possible on their side; here's what to watch. Trump always loved the spotlight, and now he has it back — but not on his terms..." SWE's Take: This impeachment charade is a worse waste of time than playing playing solitaire til dawn with a deck of don't tell me ya have nothing to do. "...The state's public school districts have less than three weeks to put together reopening plans including safety measures, virus-tracking tools and how they plan to measure and address student learning loss. Chris Reykdal, state schools superintendent, set an earlier deadline than state lawmakers did in allocating millions in federal funds. This is not an order for schools to reopen; that is left to individual districts to decide. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden, under pressure to order schools open, said he’s waiting to hear from the CDC, which could have guidance on that today. (Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's take: Didn't Seattle predict this school opening news a couple months ago and they're still closed? Good News: Turn the news off and turn off the lies.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Virtual Online Manure to Make Us More Stupid

Drink your fake online manure coffee and read the brief: "... Bringing the 'Sound of Seattle' back to the airport Travelers walk past the new “Music Wall” at Sea-Tac Airport. It's a 12-by-7-foot screen on Concourse C on which two hours of performances by 30 Seattle-area musicians will play on a loop. Viewers are asked to make donations that will be distributed among the artists who, before the pandemic, would perform live at the airport. Shown here is country-pop artist Abigail Neilson. (Photo: Erika Schultz / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: Please donate to robots virtual online replacing humans. "....Trump's impeachment trial: The Democratic House managers are preparing to wrap up their case against former President Donald Trump. Here's what to watch for today. Chilling security video, much of it never seen before, was shown yesterday of last month’s deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. If any senators were tempted to avoid images of the violence, they were not ableto do so. And why did Fox News Channel cut off an impeachment manager in mid-sentence as he was presenting dramatic video footage of the mob? “The impeachment trial that you’re all ignoring, I guess you’re afraid …” one co-host said before being shouted down...." SWE's take: The truth in the message above "that you're all ignoring"....the Impeachment Hoax has no TV rating viewers? Good News: The hateful lamebrain MSM is fooling no one with this budget wasting charade of continuously doing nothing.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Political Theater is Not a Valid Impeachment

They think Americans are stupid and drink any mug of coffee marked "Establishment" we don't , we dump Establishment brew down the sink and read the brief: "...Opening arguments begin today in Donald Trump’s impeachment trial after an emotional first day that wrenched senators back to the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Trump reportedly is fuming about his attorneys’ not-so-good performance yesterday as some call for yet another shakeup to his legal team. Here's a fact check on his lawyers' argument that the Constitution bars impeaching former presidents. And columnist Danny Westneat writes that Rep. Dan Newhouse of Eastern Washington makes a strong case for why Trump should be convicted in the Senate trial: “I kind of had a front-row seat to it all,” Newhouse says. Here's what to watch for today..." SWE's take: Goofing off avoiding real work is "IMPEACHMENT" charade duty. Good News: The Esblishment IMPEACHMENT Charade is called Communist Progress...hate Trump and do nothing to make America Great.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

When American Education Fails in Math and Science; Liberals Alawys Blame the Students and Parents

Blame the briesta for your lousy cup of coffee and read the brief: "... 'Teachers are social beings.' What if their students don't want to be? Imagine being a teacher but instead of a classroom full of faces, you’re looking out at a computer screen full of black boxes. Students have lots of reasons for leaving their cameras off during remote learning, and nobody’s trying to force them, but the lack of visual engagement can make a tough situation even tougher. Brian Murphy, a teacher at Interlake High School in Bellevue who is teaching from his Redmond garage, uses the lure of less homework to get students to show their faces. (Photo: Dean Rutz / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: That teacher desrerves a full paycheck for doing practically no teaching? "...Biden opens the border during Killer Flu PANDEMIC and wastes time on an illegal impeachment; his first agenda is DIVIDE THE NATION. Good News: He created too much Killer Flu FEAR to blame he can't reset the FEAR. Even his foreign policy is a JOKE.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Welcome to the Biden America; Be Ashamed of Being Dominant Culture

Grab Your Coffee and Drain it in the Cultural Sink and Read the the brief: "... A push for better vaccine access for immigrant and refugee elders Trang Tu sings with her mother, Anna Nguyet Dang, in the Seattle home they share. Tu cares for her mother, who is 90 and has advanced dementia. When Tu learned that older adults being cared for at home were not high on the state’s COVID-19 vaccine priority list, she organized people to advocate on behalf of immigrant and refugee communities, for whom at-home care of elders is particularly cherished. They’ve made some progress but still face some frustrations. Here’s our updated guide to how to get your vaccine. (Photo: Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's take: Legal citizen disabled can't get the vaccine and that's worse. "...Former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial gets underway tomorrow. It's likely to be a dramatic retelling of the events of Jan. 6 and a trial split mostly along party lines as Republicans dig in to support the man who continues to dominate the party. Here's what to know as things get going..." SWE's take: Illegal Impeachment with no Constitutional Grounds; meanwhile the Public Schools are closed. "... Hospitals around Washington state are scrambling to figure out if some of the N95 masks they bought to protect staffers are actually fakes...." SWE's take: Hospital Managment in Seattle is a joke. Good News: We'll be snow bound maybe with lock down preventing travel anyway.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

$8/LB Hamburger and $6/Gal Milk Will Be the Cost of Food When Biden Destroys the Oil Production

Americans should be punished and give their tax dollars to illegal aliens and give your mug of coffee to the illegal aliens and read the brief: "...Andy Jassy has spent 18 years at the helm of Amazon's most profitable division, where he's known as incisive, probing and gregarious. Here's what to expect from the next leader of the Seattle-based commerce behemoth. Read more..." SWE's take: Running a sweat shop for $17/hr workers... Good News: The wages are so low now in Seattle, we won't have to worry about elecetric grid capacty for charging electric cars....we won't be able to afford cars. Period.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Division in Our Country Was Caused by Ignoring Voter FRAUD

Stop Drinking the High Tech organized crime coffeee and read the brief: "... How to protect yourself after data hack exposes 1.4 million Washingtonians The personal data of at least 1.4 million Washingtonians who filed for unemployment may have been stolen in a software hack, raising fears of identity fraud. In a head-slapping irony, the data had been collected as part of investigations into how the state lost $600 million to bogus unemployment claims. A Seattle law firm this week filed a lawsuit against Accellion, the California company whose file-transfer service was breached. Are you affected, and if so, what steps should you take? We're answering readers' most pressing questions..." SWE's Take: I don't belong to Twitter of Face Book. Good News: High Tech ain't fooling hardly none of the dummies now,