Monday, November 30, 2020

Biden Makes "Unsubstantional Allegations" That the 2020 Elections weren't Rigged, So Does His Laptog FBI

America appears to Admit Its Too Haughty to Admit Any 2020 ELECTION FRAUD. Its Trump Force is the EXCEPTION Now, Grab your election fraud coffee from Starbucks, its really very cheap, about $6/ the brief: '...A South Seattle couple thought they were pretty smart about money. Then Loren Kite, 39, read something that planted a seed of worry: "We are not contributing enough to our retirement." The financial planner who did their free Money Makeover has heard this before. She offered concrete steps for this couple and others to take — including when to save and when to go easy with it. (Here's how to apply for free financial planning.).." SWE's Take: You may think its HAUGHTY and CUTE to barely afford a $750K average price house in Seattle; until you look at your puny or non-existant retirement savings. The Good News: These over-priced home budgets add to the foreclosed home lists as owners go bankrupt....that's good news if you're a younger buyer.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Friday, November 27, 2020

Trump Invents a Vaccine and the Biden Mob Calls it Horrifying

Why have village idiots called "OPERATION WARPSPEED" Another Trump Failure and Biden Condemns Use of the Trump Vaccine to Open Up the Economy? Biden must love power and politics over curing the Killer Flu and Saving American Lives With a FDA Approved Vaccine? Time to drink your "take-out" coffee mugs from Sharis that is closed now for indoor dining in Seattle, read the brief: "...President Donald Trump yesterday said he'll leave the White House if the Electoral College seats President-elect Joe Biden, but he made clear that he will likely never formally concede. Meanwhile, the nation got its first glimpse of how profoundly he's changed the Supreme Court just before midnight Wednesday, as its newest justice cast the decisive vote on coronavirus restrictions in New York. It's almost certainly a taste of rulings to come..." SWE's Take: Since when is it evil to allow churches the same congregation density as Walmarts? Sounds like the devil backs Biden's church retrictions. God's on Trump's side IMO. The Globalists similarly hate American Thanksgiving too the New York Post writes.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Mask Up For Thanksgiving CDC Recommends

Drink Your To Go Coffee Down When you Pick Up Your To Go Thanksgiving Dinner and Read the brief: I'm picking mine up at Sharis To Go Today, its Pre-ordered. SWE's take: Christmas ruined next?

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

97% of the Rebuplicans and Most of the rest of America Believe Biden Was Elected President Fraudulantly

Grab Your Hot Mugs of Caffeine and Read tyhe Brief: Only a small percentage of Americans belive Biden Was Legally Elected President... "..." "...Not snow, not rain, not gusting winds or the Great Depression have caused the cancellation of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. Tomorrow, it will power through the pandemic in a singular feat of logistical wizardry that aims to conquer every conundrum from masked whistlers to balloon physics..." SWE's take: A Phony Parade with High Tech imaginary CARTOON On-Lookers...I'll pass. Good News: We're All DEFYING the Thanksgiving Killer Flu Ban and millions are on the road to large dinner parties anyway....

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Thanksgiving in Seattle: Higher Rents/Mortgages, Lower Global Wages [Possibly] and Killer Flu

Grab a mug of coffee, read the brief: "..."Our concerns are being ignored and dismissed" as COVID-19 patients increase, said one of the more than 100 doctors, physician assistants and nurse practitioners who went on strike yesterday from their jobs at urgent-care facilities in the MultiCare health system. MultiCare said a majority of clinics remained open yesterday, and that it was disappointed the union was striking during a pandemic, "when our patients need our care more than ever." (Photo: Steve Ringman / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: Here's the main health care field of healthcare worker pay from Indeeed on LPN openings: $26/hr. No wonder they're on strike. Good News: The nurses are rooting for Trump's vaccine ASAP too.

Monday, November 23, 2020

We'll All Be Spending Thanksgiving Illegally in Groups Anyway in Seattle?

Grab your caffiene and read the brief: Imagine a Sherriff coming to your door to arrest your Thanksgiving party at home.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Do I Get a Check for paying My Daughter's Community College Bills Without Mooching off Alleged Biden Government Plans?

Grab your Wendy's $2 large coffeee and read the brief: "...The expanded Seattle Promise program that gives Seattle public high-school grads two years of community college tuition-free is exceeding its pandemic-area enrollment projections. Read more..." SWE's Take: Get a job and earn your own living, there's help wanted signs all over the Seattle area. Good News: Most of us already know Communism breeds government control and is unAmerican. Mooching off government makes you lazy too.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Seattle Thanksgiving Feast Can Be Served Outside On a Wet Parking Lot

Grab your coffee and read the brief: "...The Wednesday before Thanksgiving is usually the busiest travel day of the year. This year, however, state authorities are urging people to stay close to home to help curb the spread of the coronavirus. The big question: Will the public comply with their pleas? Read more..." SWE's Take: The Killer Flu shutdown of airline travel has no effect on boeing's 737 future? You're naive if you believe that.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Grim 2020 Holidays Ahead

Enjoy Your Christmas Seasoned/Laced Coffee and read the brief: "...WSU's starting quarterback has tested positive. Jayden de Laura won't play tomorrow and might not be cleared by Apple Cup time. A lie about a pizza joint led to a lockdown of an entire Australian state. NEED TO KNOW Now that Seattle's mayor has decided to repair the West Seattle Bridge, the city faces another high-tension challenge: Can crews reopen the bridge sooner than the initial target of mid-2022? There are reasons to hope for a shorter closure..." SWE's take: An Apple Cup with no people is like a fruit basket that is empty. How long will bridge repair take? 5-10 years? LOL Good News: The help wanted signs are everywhere in the Seattle area for unemployed and it appears a lot of us just don't want to work anymore?

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Michigan Will Not Certify Its Votes Now; Trump's Attorneys Smell F.R.A.U.D.

Time to Get Your Coffee and Read the brief: SWE's take: The state reset today and declines to approve Certification of Election in Michigan due to fraud. "... Seattle's COVID-19 testing sites stretch beyond capacity, bringing a plea from health leaders If you're feeling fine and just want to make sure you don't have COVID-19 so you can celebrate Thanksgiving with family, please stay away, Seattle's testing leader says. Health officials and medical experts are imploring everyone to steer clear of Thanksgiving gatherings as the virus spreads faster than it has in months, and leave the test sites accessible to those who have symptoms. In case that's you or someone you love, here's our updating list of where to get tested. And a free online tool allows you to calculate your risk of running into the virus at a Turkey Day gathering. (Photo: Amanda Snyder / The Seattle Times).." SWE's Take: Go to the hospital's mental health ward instead to fight Thanksgiving Lost Depression Syndrome... "...Allowing 737 MAX flights to resume is a big step forward for Boeing and Washington's aerospace industry. But much work remains to build trust in the company and the federal certification process, writes The Seattle Times editorial board..." SWE's take: 70% of 737 air travel has been detroyed due to Killer Flu. The 737 is a dead duck even with FAA certification IMO, we're scared of the 737s now. Good News: We're saving money in general like crazy now.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Family Get Togethers on Thanksgiving Destroyed in Wash St?

Hey, Grab That Mug of caffeine and read the brief: Jenna and Eric Petersen hoped to spend their daughter Maren’s first Thanksgiving with family, but nixed that plan after Gov. Jay Inslee on Sunday announced restrictions on social gatherings. They're among families across Washington redrawing Thanksgiving plans — or sticking stubbornly to them, in some cases. Here's how people are adapting to this pandemic holiday, along with the precautions health officials say you should take and some rather heartwarming ideas to make a virtual Thanksgiving meaningful. (Photo: Greg Gilbert / The Seattle Times) WHAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT In case you're not into cooking Thanksgiving dinner, here are nine Seattle-area restaurants where you can preorder it. And our wine expert has Northwest wine recommendations for your holiday meals..." SWE's Take: Burger King Take out is open for Thanksgiving... Good News: With the holidays essentially cancelled, you can spend less on Christmas...

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

A Wonderful Killer Flu Christmas Lock Down With Vaccine in Place

Grab Your Mug of Jo and Read the brief: "... Here comes Santa Claus — with face masks, plexiglass and more..." SWE's take: The Democrats love GLOOM and DOOM. Good News: That excuse to limit/ban CONSERVATIVE free speech is lame and vague as Hades by Twitter and Facebook CEOs today.

Monday, November 16, 2020

The 2020 Killer Flu Vaccine Invented During the Trump Regime Can Be Distributed This Month

Meanwhile Governor Inslee [Scrooge] wants all Holidays Locked Up and Shutdown; now grab your free breakfast burrito with your $1.89 large Wendys Coffee [with coupon] and read The Brief: ".... New COVID-19 restrictions start tomorrow Everyday life is changing again after Gov. Jay Inslee ordered broad new restrictions and shutdowns in an effort to slow the virus. The constraints will be as extreme as anything the state has seen since March. The list of what you can and can't do now brings a new economic shock, with Washington businesses fearing many thousands of job losses. Restaurateurs are pivoting once more, hoping the lessons they learned last time will help save them. And here we go with the darn toilet paper frenzy again. Find the latest in today's live updates. (Photo: Steve Ringman / The Seattle Times)..." SWE's Take: Not to worry, ya can still go to Burger King for Thanksgiving Take out Dinner Anyway.. Good News: Stores are not running out of today's high priced turkeys [it now takes a $150 purchase to score one] one's buying them....LOL

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Coronavirus Kills Christmas, Huskies, Christian Churches and Public Schools in Wash St Nov 2020

Time to Grab a Jack in the box Pumpkin Flavored Coffee and Read the Brief: "...Coronavirus infections are climbing, patients are filling hospitals and experts fear we’re in for a long winter. A shot of hope could be coming once a vaccine is approved and distributed. But then comes, potentially, the hardest part. Read more..." SWE's Take: How many people died because the vaccine is stalled because of politics? "...At least 47 blazes on Sept. 7 and 8 were sparked by power lines. The fires raise the question of whether utilities should have plans in place to preemptively cut off electricity at times of extreme fire risk. Read more..." SWE's Take: I need a picture of this wild allegation for Pacific Coast wild fires caused by "Sparking" Power Lines to believe it. "...Districts where agriculture already plays an important economic and cultural role have an advantage. South Whidbey is one of them: Six years ago, it turned an unused sports field into a school farm. Read more..." SWE's Take: Now the kids are being trained to replace menial low paid workers on farms? "... International air travel during the pandemic has returned study-abroad students to their parents, brought in temporary agricultural workers and ferried cargo in the passenger cabins. What’s the experience like?.." SWE's take: So the enrollment at the U of W is unchanged during Killer Flu as it loses all its foreign students? LOL Good News: The Pennsylvania Election Fraud Law Suit by Trump Nov 2020 is alive and well.

Trump Scores Major Legal Victory in Pennsylvania On Nov 2020 Election Fraud Ballots that were unidentified were counted anyway...

New Mexico Requires "LOCK-DOWN" Again, Closes Restaurants Nov 2020 Christian Churches must close their doors to members too.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

No 2020 Thanksgiving or Christmas Get-Togethers Allowed In Wash St Says Governor Inslee

Wonderful...The Fun Goes On and On...Grab Your Mug of Coffee and read the brief: "... New COVID-19 restrictions ahead in Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee urged Washingtonians to cancel plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas get-togethers and said he'll soon announce more restrictions to curb the spread of the virus, which “will affect what we do outside of the home.”.." SWE's Take: Get your Thanksgiving Dinners as Take Out from Burger King Instead....LOL Good News: The Killer Flu vaccine was probably ready months do we know it wasn't?

Friday, November 13, 2020

Ther Democrats Lose an Incumbant Democrat Seat in Florida for Senate By 36 Recounted Votes Folks

This is the "nail in the coffin" of stopping Trump from a Senate majority of 50+ and another lost seat for the Democrats. LOL The hand writing is on the wall folks. If Biden is elected the 29% corporate tax rate stays put until do our Phase I "lower" Trump tax tables for lower incomes.

Assuming Biden Can Beat Trump Means a National Lock Down By Biden SWE's Take: We're sick of this endless lockdowns and its destroying small businesses all over.

Skip Thanksgiving and Christmas Get-togethers Wash St Governor Inslee Recommends

HAPPY THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS 2020 TRUTH SEEKER : Its time to go get a Starbucks Christmas Mocha, Slurp It Down and read the brief: "... 'Rethink these holidays': Inslee makes plea, foreshadows new restrictions Gov. Jay Inslee and his wife, Trudi, yesterday urged Washingtonians to cancel plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas get-togethers. Inslee will soon announce further restrictions to curb the spread of the virus, which “will affect what we do outside of the home,” he said. Across the nation, governors are cracking down with new rules as COVID-19 deaths soar, but many Americans are likely to attend big holiday gatherings anyway. We recommend trying these sweet ideas for a virtual Thanksgiving instead. (Photo: Ted S. Warren / AP).." SWE's Take: And in Other Related News the SCOTUS was looking yesterday at the Catholic Church closure in NYC as unconstitutional. Its amazing this state of NY court appeal made it to SCOTUS...State Dictated Killer Flu lock-downs blocking church attendance could be made illegal? "... Hospitals in Washington have begun to implement COVID-19 surge plans as cases skyrocket, and even patients without the virus may feel the effects. Our FAQ looks at what state and local officials are doing to battle the virus, and what they want you to do. Find today's live updates here..." SWE's Take: Does that mean the Wash St Hospitals are basically empty now? The Tooth Fairy knows...LOL. "... Washington state leads the nation in new jobless claims in numbers released yesterday, and economists say the state could be headed for another wave of pandemic-related job losses..." SWE's Take: Meanwhile all I see in the Seattle area is "HELP WANTED" signs on almost all businesses. Does this mean many just refuse to work all together?. "...As President Donald Trump keeps President-elect Joe Biden in the dark, warnings are growing — including from Republicans — that shutting Biden out of key briefings may endanger the country when it comes to security threats, COVID-19 and more..." SWE's Take: Geeee...does that mean Trump's COVID-19 plan is much better than "Hiding Biden's"??? LOL. "...Food, comfort and joy: Seattle Times readers are sharing their cherished holiday recipes and the family stories behind them, from banh bao to kugel and gumbo. This makes for a delicious read..." SWE's Take: If you're single, share them with your get-togethers are cancelled by Inslee this year. Good News: Election Fraud 2020 is uncovering a maze of corruption and ya can't just sweep it all under the rug either.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Voter Fraud Was Likely Generated ThroughChinese/Russian/Far Left American Democrat "Hactivists" Using Vulnerable Software Across America SWE's take: This reminds me of the CORRUPT voting machines that Chavez used in Communist Venezuela. No wonder the MSM refuses to admit it, we've become a 3rd world country now.

Seatle Area Real Estate Prediction Estimates on Home Prices Hampered By Coronavirus?

GREETINGS Truth Seekers: Let's end the wild allegations of continuous price growth of homes in Seattle during China Killer Flu lock-downs, low wages and Boeing Layoffs. The Future is WAY too foggy to just make that wild allegation. What's in the recent news to clear the fog so to say? Grab your mug of coffee, put your flu mask on and cut a hole in the mask for a straw for the Seattle Times brief today: "...Georgia will recount its ballots by hand because the margin is so tight between Biden and President Donald Trump. Trump's team has launched new accusations of fraud but scored few legal wins so far. Money to support the court fights, though, could end up flowing into the Trumps' pockets. Also, officials are talking about what's behind Trump’s purge at the Pentagon — and who could be next..." SWE's Take:LOL, first ya say Trump scored few legal points in 2020 election fraud litigation, then ya say this court fight is attracting lots of campaign donations...which is it? Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall or didn't fall at all...ya can't report it both ways MSM. "... Masks, even cloth ones, don't just protect the people around you — they protect you, too, the CDC said in a reversal as it endorsed universal masking policies. Here's the research on the best kinds of masks. And yes, yours does need to cover your nose...." SWE's Take: LOL...ya wear a cardboard flu mask and after like 20 minutes its wet with snot particles and talking through it is impossible. I use a plexiglass face shield, ya can breath and talk again...they last forever too and wash easily with a sponge and towel. "... Dinners, carpools, sleepovers: Small staples of casual American life are fueling the surge. California will soon surpass a million confirmed cases, and New York is taking a big step backward..." SWE's Take: Ya can catch cold and flu viruses a million different ways...this article is a statistical fuzzy math joke. "... Will the Huskies' COVID-delayed football season opener finally happen this Saturday against Oregon State? Never before has a UW opener been so anticipated, columnist Larry Stone writes. But players are on shaky ground as coronavirus cases rise in UW's athletics department..." SWE's Take: LOL...U of W opening the next 7 months? I doubt it. Nope, its likely a grim depressing few years locked down virtual/on-line "Killer Flu Years" ahead of us now the medical establishment alleges before stadium sports, church and public schools re-openings. Enjoy your GRIM Christmas family/friend get-togethers this holiday on a laptop with a webcam...LOL...MMMM the virtual invisible turkey is delicious... "...Ring has recalled more than 350,000 video doorbells after nearly two dozen of them caught fire..." SWE's take: The Lithium batteries catch fire and frequently do the same thing in cell phones,787s and Telsas. "... Selling your home means doing all you can to get the highest price in the shortest amount of time. Exceed buyers’ expectations with tips to highlight the best features, outshine the competition and create a home interior that sells. Thousands of Washington families report difficulty providing enough food for their children. Food banks in Puget Sound and across the state are facing unique challenges in helping to meet this need. The Seattle Times editorial board writes that there are compelling reasons to help this cause..." SWE's take: I see, homelessness and poverty are good for Seattle Real Estate price growth and I have bridge I can sell ya too...LOL Good News: Hardly no one believes the MSM anymore.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A Smooth peaceful transition to Trumps' 2nd Term It ain't over until the fat lady SCOTUS sings? LOL

Election Fraud is Real

This 2020 Michigan vote counter picture sums it up in my book: LOL

Thank You Ken For That URL Update on Killer Flu and Nobody is having Kids Lately I've noticed the same sort of thing in Kent lately. Help wanted signs all over the place and no takers.The surge in single population restricting baby births in America is a good point too. Abortions are contributing to this to IMO as well as the simple fact the young adults aren't getting married with high rents and mortgages the last decade or so... I see single Gen-Zs [24 year old and younger]and include the Milenials too [up to age 35] not dating, marrting or having kids for that matter anymore. The evidence in Kent is like 5 cars in the driveway of a SFH and retired, I see 'em still at home in droves....

New Comments Collection Website for Toast 'N Boast Club

Hey...this is where Toastmasters members can talk to each other in groups: all comments encouraged! This could help keep the club together better. Marty ACS
Hey Seattle Bubble Free Speech Advocates Welcome to the SWE Website....we can talk local seattle real estate here without fear of comment flexibility. Its all good. "....Life uncertainty, likely caused by COVID-19, is keeping more than a third (34%) of would-be sellers out of the market. Financial anxiety is a big part of that: 31% of homeowners considering selling in the next three years say a current uncertain or precarious financial situation is a reason to stay put, with 27% reporting a recent change in employment with a decrease in hours or pay, and 17% saying they or their spouse/partner were laid off or involuntarily unemployed -- which could be barriers to finding a new home. A lack of certainty around where they work is another contributing factor. According to Zillow's survey, the most common change for homeowners in the past six months is that they are working from home more often. Previous Zillow research finds two-thirds of those working remotely during the pandemic say they would consider moving if given the flexibility to continue occasionally working from home. However, those plans may be in limbo as homeowners await clear guidance from their employers on when -- or if -- they will return to the office. Good News: A Trump vaccine is on the way soon as promised.