Friday, May 1, 2015

Overpopulation Creates Scarce Low Paid P/T JObs and High Scarce Rent

Don’t Remodel Junior’s Basement Room After He Finishes a 4 Year Degree The high rent [even studio apartments] would gobble up more than half junior’s P/T pay at i.e., Radio Shack, before they close the store down….Radio Shack is bankrupt and went out of business. Snippet: “…For more than one in four renters, housing and utilities consume at least half their family income, according to an analysis of Census data by Enterprise Community Partners, a nonprofit that helps finance affordable housing. The number of such households has jumped 26 percent to 11.25 million since 2007, a sign that the 6½-year-old recovery from the recession has given scant relief to much of the country. The government defines housing costs in excess of 30 percent of income as burdensome. “It means making really difficult trade-offs,” said Angela Boyd, a vice president at Enterprise Community Partners. “There are daily financial dilemmas about making their rent or buying groceries.” The crisis reflects one of the shortcomings of the recovery: Wages have failed to match rising rental prices. At the same time, construction has failed to keep pace with demand from renters. The recession pushed more millennials, former homeowners who faced foreclosure and low-wage workers into rental housing….” The article above is general America….the Seattle area is far more legal citizen Millennial unfriendly when it comes to rent and low P/T wages today.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mexican Anchor Babies are Returning to Their Motherlands

Even the anchor babies from Mexico are leaving America because there’s no living wage jobs [jobs that pay like $1500/mo rent] anymore. A snippet: “…After deportations increased and the U.S. economic downturn caused more families to return home, the number of U.S. citizens enrolled in Mexican schools almost doubled over the last three years, with the total now nearing 450,000. The transition for these American-born students is often no easier than that of Mexican immigrants entering U.S. schools — and often it is worse. Many encounter long delays in enrollment. Once admitted, many struggle to learn Spanish or have trouble adjusting to a new classroom culture and teaching methods,” the LA Times reports….” The open border Democrat billionaire lobbyists will call it Racist to give you this real news….LOL, Racist for being pragmatic, honest and intellectual? Give me a break. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) also documented only an approximate 2,000,000 Total Labor Market Non-Farm growth in the last 7 years, so where do the 17 million added over-growth population the last 7 years work? The 17 million added are not domestic American citizens BTW, their birthrate is recently depopulating America by a 1.7 value, the added population to America is all foreign.